Star Wars
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Star Wars Allegiance

Timothy Zahn2007
Luke Skywalker is learning about the Force while Han Solo struggles with the decision to join the Rebel Alliance, Leia helps run the rebellion while dealing with her feelings for Han, and Mara Jade is doing the Emperor's dirty work.
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Photo of Acadia
4 stars
May 11, 2024

interesting foray into star wars worldbuilding created prior to the prequels as someone who hasnt consumed that era of star wars extra content before. the disconnect from modern star wars is very fun at times, and makes for compelling 'what if' moments to mull over.

zahn's writing is most engaging in action scenes. he really shines during his space battles as well as any moment he can describe 3d movement, whether that be for space ships or characters.

also, he just absolutely loves loves loves his most specialest boy thrawn. hes thinks thrawn is so smart and cool and scary and he loves him so much. its really quite charming how much you can tell that zahn thinks thrawn is the most epic and interesting villain ever. just loves him and his glowing red eyes so much.

sometimes the narrative or characters are rather lacking in substance, even for star wars media. also, a few too many major moments felt very contrived, happening as they do purely by chance. even with the idea that "the force willed it to happen this way" lingering in the back of your mind, it often feels too serendipitous and ruined immersion for me. that being said, i didnt necessarily have the highest expectations and i still had a lotta fun, which is really the point of most star wars media. its not complex or high art and i didnt need it to be.

Photo of Luke Harkness
Luke Harkness@lukesblog1
4 stars
Apr 4, 2024

Wonderfully written for Star Wars fans This book is brilliantly well written and offers up lots of Star Wars lore. There are a LOT of strategical moments and it is written for those that love to think whilst they read. Would recommend being ready to concentrate!

Photo of Victoria
Victoria @waltzkatzenblut
4 stars
Aug 17, 2023

Reread before Ahsoka starts!

Photo of altlovesbooks
4 stars
Jul 5, 2023

A fun book, rife with zingy lines I would expect to hear from my favorite characters. This was my first Star Wars book and it seems like a good place for someone curious about the novels to start. It contains enough familiar characters, places, events, etc. to not feel overwhelming and like I needed to study beforehand, but was different enough to really hold my interest.

Photo of Todd Luallen
Todd Luallen@tluallen
4 stars
Aug 29, 2022

Wow! I see now why all the Star Wars fans love Timothy Zahn. The new villains and characters are fantastic. It's a shame that these stories are no longer considered canon, but I guess something drastic was needed to further the Star Wars story in film. Thrawn is brilliant. I read this with my daughter and she says she'd give it 4 stars as well. All in all, a great story about Luke, Leia, and Han.

Photo of Todd Luallen
Todd Luallen@tluallen
5 stars
Aug 29, 2022

The combination of Timothy Zahn and Marc Thompson make for an incredible adventure. And I'm looking forward to more Thrawn in the future.

Photo of Todd Luallen
Todd Luallen@tluallen
3 stars
Aug 29, 2022

Zahn is really good, but this wasn't one of his best. A few good action sequences, plenty of politics, and a little intrigue. And NOTHING is concluded at the end of the book - it definitely feels like you're halfway through the story when the book concludes.

Photo of Robin M Cabana
Robin M Cabana@rmcabana
4 stars
Mar 2, 2022

Star Wars: Scoundrels is one of my new favorite audiobooks. I've never read or listened to any Expanded Universe stories before, even though I'm a big Star Wars fan, so this was a new adventure for me. And I'm really glad I decided to check this out when I was looking for something light and fun to listen to. The story is not even very original, but it's still pretty cool. It's a heist story starring Han Solo, Chewbacca and Lando. They've assembled a team to pull off a big con job. It's sort of like Ocean's 11 in a galaxy far, far away. It's set between Episodes IV & V, so there are references to Luke, Leia and some of the other characters. The story still has a lot of action and a few twists that really kept me intrigued. I also really enjoyed Marc Thompson's performance and all the sound effects. It really brought me into the Star Wars universe.

Photo of Robin M Cabana
Robin M Cabana@rmcabana
3 stars
Mar 2, 2022

After reading several other Star Wars books by Timothy Zahn, this one was just not as exciting. It was interesting how Zahn explores the theme of allegiance for three different groups, Han and the rebels, a group of awol Storm Troopers and Mara Jade. But there was something about the way the threads intersected that seemed a little forced to me. (Leia going off on her own? I've got a bad feeling abou that!) This story is set between A New Hope and Empire, so it was kind of cool to see Mara go up against Vader, but I also think the Hand was not as ruthless as she was painted in the Thrawn trilogy. I listened to the audiobook version of this book, and it was another great performance by Mark Thompson!

Photo of Robin M Cabana
Robin M Cabana@rmcabana
4 stars
Mar 2, 2022

I am really enjoying these Star Wars audiobooks. Marc Thompson is a great narrator and his range of voices for so many classica characters is just spot on. (Maybe not Leia!) After listening to Timothy Zahn's Scoundrels, I was temped into the Sarlaac pit to check out some more of his books, and this first book in the Thrawn Trilogy did not disappoint. It picks up 5 years after Return of the Jedi and reunites Luke, Leia, Han, Lando, Chewy and the droids. They're up against the mysterious Grand Admiral Thrawn, who is just super creepy and I really hope we find out what's his damage in the next books. This book has really made my hour-long commute a lot of fun.

Photo of Nat Welch
Nat Welch@icco
3 stars
Dec 29, 2021

I found this book strange. The characters were likable, but they constantly felt shallow. It was well written, and it made me miss the old star wars books, but in general, I don't have any interest in continuing to read about Thrawn.

Photo of Scott Vandehey
Scott Vandehey@spaceninja
4 stars
Dec 28, 2021

A long time ago (the 90s), Timothy Zahn wrote a trilogy of books that were intended to be the closest we ever got to Star Wars episodes 7-9. They’ve since been relegated to non-canonical “Legends” status, but they introduced many new characters and concepts to the Star Wars universe, including the idea that Leia and Han had Force-sensitive children who attended a Jedi academy run by Luke. Most notably, the books introduced a new villain, Grand Admiral Thrawn, who was restored to canon status when he appeared in the animated series Rebels. I was thrilled when Zahn returned to write a novel explaining Thrawn’s backstory in the new Star Wars canon. This book is everything I ever wanted. It explains how blue-skinned Thrawn came to power in the notably xenophobic Empire. It explains why he would want to do so, and the struggles he overcame by outwitting everyone who stood in his way.

Photo of Hanna
4 stars
Nov 25, 2021

Nostalgin är total. Det kan inte ha varit lätt att ta en så älskad bunt karaktärer och skriva något tillräckligt nytt men samtidigt tillräckligt likt Star Wars-filmerna, men Zahn gör det med bravur. Första tjugo sidorna räcker för att jag ska känna mig helt övertygad om att det här verkligen är Luke, Leia, Han och Threepio, så som jag minns dem men några år äldre. Visst finns det problem här och var, men de överskuggas för mig av det rafflande äventyret och igenkänningen. Grand Admiral Thrawn är dessutom en helt igenom värdig efterträdare till Lord Vader. Det här vill jag ha mer av.

Photo of rey
4 stars
Oct 24, 2021

mara jade could slash me in the half with her lightsaber and i’d thank her

Photo of Celia Adams
Celia Adams@celiarose3881
4 stars
Sep 27, 2021

Loved this book! Especially the introduction of Mara Jade. I really enjoyed the plot as far as Joruus C'Baoth as a new DarkJedi and the character of Thrawn, who I thought was perfect for a Star Wars villain.

Photo of Anna Pinto
Anna Pinto@ladyars
4 stars
Aug 3, 2021

** spoiler alert ** Timothy Zahn is one of the only authors in this world that I would let get away with anything. That said, Star Wars + heist + Han Solo, a rolling ball and a whip in the same paragraph? Delightful!

Photo of Les Reynolds
Les Reynolds@lreynolds
4 stars
Jul 29, 2021

Always enjoy Timothy Zahn, and Star Wars novels are a guilty pleasure. Unfortunately, I didn't find this quite as engrossing as his Thrawn series. Still a fun read though.

Photo of Michael Camilleri
Michael Camilleri@pyrmont
2 stars
Jun 10, 2021

I found this a lot more of a slog than Heir to the Empire. I don't know if that's more about me than the book. One thing I would say is that the story never seems to have much of a rhythm. Stuff just happens and keeps happening until it's the end and then you're supposed to move on to the conclusion of the trilogy where stuff will happen until it stops.

Photo of Stephan Happe
Stephan Happe@stephan
3.5 stars
Dec 21, 2024
Photo of Cody Madden
Cody Madden@penguin
5 stars
Dec 19, 2022
Photo of anjali
4 stars
Jul 8, 2024
Photo of Mat Connor
Mat Connor@mconnor
4 stars
Jun 25, 2024
Photo of Ashley shackelford
Ashley shackelford@ashlizshack
4 stars
Apr 29, 2024
Photo of Megan
4 stars
Apr 15, 2024