State of Fear

the book started out strong so i really had high hopes for it, but halfway through it the long speeches started to become repetitive that at times it eluded me that the book was a thriller and not an essay or a debate. definitely an overkill in my opinion. the story dragged on when he could've edited it down to about 25% of its content.

Alright, look, it's well known that Michael Crichton was a climate change denier, which isn't something that I agree with. If, however, you're able to treat this purely as a work of fiction, then you'll enjoy a really exciting book. Just try and look past the obvious manipulation of facts!

I have always been a massive fan of Michael Crichton ever since I watched Jurassic Park as a kid. I adore the medical drama series ER, and consume his books in a matter of days. So, looking for something in the 'action-adventure' vein I picked up State of Fear. It took an age to actually get going. There were bits of action here and there but most of it was related to global warming, and whether or not this is a real problem in our modern age or we're blowing it out of proportion. Don't get me wrong, part of me loves that Crichton goes into such depth, and doesn't 'dumb it down' for his audience, but when he was referencing genuine scientific journals I got a bit... fed up. I didn't pick this up to be lectured, I picked this up because I wanted a thrill ride. The actual 'action-adventure' stuff is great. Characters get stuck in the snow, there are lighting storms and all kinds of dangerous weather to contend with. The author really knows how to build tension and keep it going. The characters are also well thought out and developed. I really liked Evans, a lawyer, who seemed like he'd got all caught up in this accidentally. So overall, an interesting, pulse pounding piece, but would have been much improved, by more action and less debate.

This is the best Crichton novel I've read since Jurassic Park. A real page-turner that gives an entirely new focus on environmental issues, which is nice. You don't have to believe everything Crichton says but it's interesting to read about other opinions and little talked about research on the subject of environmentalism. The weakest point of the novel would be its characters and cop-out climax but other than that, it's a pretty entertaining read.

At times a little preachy but overall a nice, solid book. Makes you think about what your source of news really is and what those in power will do to keep you under their control.