
I'm actually a bit disappointed that the New 52 Static ended up getting canceled after the eighth issue. For the problems that it had (this not being an origin story, but rather starting you right in the middle of Virgil already having become Static and relying on backstory/flashback moments to give that to you, for example) this volume was beyond enjoyable and had a lot of promise. Namely, with exploring Virgil's identity and how that slots in with him being both Static and a brother/son just trying to do the best by his family. To say there's familial baggage in this is an understatement, but I think that works to the volume's strengths, rather than to its detriment. Most prominent is how Virgil's relationship with his sister(s) interplays with the overall plot involving the Darkstar labs, and how that's central to his motivation for these first 8 issues. This volume was layered, witty, and emotional. It reminded me why I loved watching the cartoon as a kid, and I would have loved to see where it ended up going.