Station Breaker
If space doesn't kill David Dixon, Earth will. Astronaut David Dixon's first mission to space goes horribly awry when a gun fight breaks out on a Russian space station. He finds himself making an emergency landing from orbit and becomes the most wanted man on Earth. Desperate to unravel the plot he's found himself in, he takes his pursuers on a wild chase from space to the backstreets of Rio and beyond. Dixon's survival relies on his skills as a pilot and willingness to do whatever it takes, from crashing a passenger jet into the Mexican desert, to pulling off an incredible heist in Low Earth Orbit.

Ed Kay@edk
This is probably the most ridiculous book I've ever read, but Mayne is such an assured handler that I was happy to just throw myself into it and go along for the ride. This is an excellent airport novel - breathless, urgent, preposterous and charming.

Cindy Lieberman@chicindy
3.5 A first-person “how did I get here?” “Who can I trust?” type of action-adventure book with a lot less Space than you’d expect from the title. A good YA series in the making.

Eva Ströberg@cphbirdlady

Erik Geiser@egeiser

Alexander Neumann@alex23

Adam Wilson@adamwilson
