The Cult Called Freedom House Sophia Rey Book 1
Everyone but Sophia and Cyrus were going to die. They were all goners well before they knew it. And they certainly thought whatever was happening, they were helping others and saving the world doing it. Samantha was only fourteen and looking for what every fourteen-year-old looks for-- freedom. She wanted to be as far away from her substance-riddled mother and abusive home as possible, but she never asked for anything like this. It always starts with just one person and one fucked up idea. This is the story about Samantha and the cult called Freedom House.A psychological horror thriller, this book will frustrate you, scare you, disturb you, and at times, it will make you want to be ill. Are you ready to learn what's going on behind the doors of Freedom House?"You're not going to want to miss this one. It's dark, creepy, disgusting, emotional, and I couldn't put it down. An amazing debut that I'll be thinking about for a long time." - Matt Redmon, Team Redmon Reads and Nightworms Reviewer"I'm now going to go bundle myself in a cozy blanket, hug my pets, and rock myself to sleep." - Steve Gomzi, Horror Reviewer

Louise mcdonagh@superslothl