A Curse for True Love Once Upon a Broken Heart Book 3

I just want to live in this book it just gives fairy tale vibes and i’m here for it. I really love this series and I really do think it will be one I will pick up again to read. EvaJacks are literally everything love them so much. But on the other note i miss my dangerous apple eating man JACKS !!!!

I am very happy with the ending! I love Jacks he is officially one of my favorite love interests. I also really loved Evangeline, she may be my favorite female protagonist in this bookworld, although I also really liked Scarlett. It’s a good ending to the series and I very much enjoyed reading this book.
I am really going to miss these characters and I hope we get to see more of Chaos and Layla, maybe together?🫣
the only thing i enjoyed less were the Apollo chapters, I hated that character in this book. But it did show you the story from his perspective.
Overall I LOVED this series and I love Jacks and Evangeline. I am really going to miss them, and the magical world in this series. ❤️

I love this series!!! So sad that I finished it... Such an easy read as well!

Very... disappointed. The second book was a real treasure for the book world, but this... I was so curious to find about more about Eva..or Jacks or about anyone... The plots started strong but the solutions to it was always like...rushed ( for example Jacks's heart, or Eva's memories).
And the ending... It let me with more questions. I know in Caraval it said when an immortal really love he becomes human, but not sure if this is also for Fates and Stephanie didn't make it clear, or what happened in the world and how they're gonna restore their name after all the accusations. And she gives us a little drama between Lala and Castor but that was it and also Dane... And the kiss... Like it wasn't a real explanation about why they break the curse, cuz until now for everything was an explanation.
The thing with the apple idk.. I was thinking for the beginning it helped him with his urge for kissing ( thinking they are not normal apples).
This book seems rushed and I wanted to give it 1 star or 2.. but I enjoyed the first 2 books so I'll gonna leave it to 3.

While this one reached the conclusion I was hoping for, I was left a little disappointed at how it got there. It felt lacking in places, and there was definitely not enough of Jacks to keep me fully satisfied.
However, it was still a fantastic conclusion to a wonderful trilogy! A must-read for any YA romantasy fan!

》Please, Little Fox, remember.《
I don't even know where to begin... I love this series so much and I waited so long for this book that I was terrified to start it and leave them behind. But of course I couldn't stay away haha
TBONA will always be my favorite one of the series but I really enjoyed this book as well. It wasn't quite as magical and romantic as the other two before but it was still heartbreakingly beautiful. (I'm still mourning that we didn't get as many romantic scenes tho)
Some of the quotes nearly killed me but others gave me life instead so it was a perfectly executed torture for us anxious girls. (I was shaking a few times.)
I can't exactly put my finger on what changed but I feel like the writing in this book was a tiny bit different than the first too. The pacing and amount of story were the same but something was new.
I really liked all the plot twists or shocking stuff she put in there because it felt like there was way more at stake than before which I like for a finale book. The overall plot in the end could've been a bit longer tho because I would've loved a bit more angst in the end.
I can't really decide if I want to give 4.5 or 5 stars because I did feel a slight change but the quotes and scenes were so good and exciting that I'm choosing 5.
I think the reread will be even better tho because being anxious about her memories and Apollo and all the stuff inbetween made the book feel a bit rushed, so I think it will actually feel a lot more magical if I really take the time and soke it in now that I know what's happening.
*Edit: Okay to everyone who was disappointed I can only say REREAD. I wasn't disappointed overall but I did struggle at times because of Apollo but rereading it and actually taking the time to really soke in every sentence has made it so much better! Once my anxiety over Eva's memories was gone and i could just enjoy the trope I loved it so much more.
Now, I am incapable of not saying spoilers from here on out so this is a final warning :)
I was so scared that Jacks and Eva wouldn't be endgame but at the same time I think we all knew nothing would stop them in the end. I was stunned to silence (then I started screaming haha) when she suddenly kissed him and terrified because his heart wasn't in his body but I never cheered louder! Slowly seeing as Eva returns to being the hopeful romantic she was before made me so happy! She knew their love would be strong enough and my heart hurts for Jacks because he couldn't believe in it.
I do wish we had gotten an angry love confession from him or just something more dramatic than a "simple" I love you after it was clear she didn't die. It felt a bit underwhelming after Eva fought for a book and a half to show him her love will be enough.
*Edit: I reread the last 50 pages and I was right to think it would get better. I still want his I love you one page earlier and with more tension but overall the confessions just felt right. The moment, his bloody tears, the golden tree. It was wholesome.
》I already told you. You are the love of my life. You are mine, Jacks of the Hollow. And you’re not going to be the end of me.《
I think we all knew his favourite day but it still hurt when we saw it and Eva had no recollection whatsoever. It HURT. But not as much as Jacks standing in the room watching Eva sleep because it was the only thing of her he had left. Eva saying she had something important to tell someone was also a dagger to my heart. Her love was so strong that it didn't even took 10 minutes since the curse for her to know she needed to tell him something. Even if she didn't know who him was or what she needed to stay. It was heartbreaking.
》Then it hit her, not a feeling but a thought—a sharp, fragmented one.
She had something important to tell someone.《
The only thing I still wonder is if Jacks turned fully human in the end because the curse still called him not quite human but he also didn't call him fate. I really hope he turned back human because he deserves to grow old with her. Or for Eva - her being a key and all that - to turn out not quite human as well. I want something, anything really, so that we know they can stay together always.
I am SO glad that Stephanie didn't let Apollo have a happy ending. I was scared for a second because of one of the bonus epilogues but I can live with Eva giving him a chance because I don't think there is a true love out there for him. And how could there be?
I didn't like him after he stole her memories but I didn't want him dead. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and thought maybe someone else controlled him or influenced him. (Which I was right about.) But Apollo turned into a worse monster than I ever thought possible. I got mad when he lied about Jacks all the time, I was furious when he talked about impregnating Eva but my jaw absolutely dropped when he admitted to pushing Eva into the well. I was speechless when he ordered to kill everyone included in his scheme. Just when I thought he couldn't get worse, he then heartlessly told a poor little child to draw something for his own personal propaganda just after that boy watched his entire family get killed. Oh and if that wasn't bad enough he then KILLED HIM. I couldn't believe my eyes.
Apollo wasn't just a villain. Him always going on and on about just doing the best for Eva and how he wasn't a villain was so delusional it not only made me sick to my stomach but it also terrified the living shit out of me. I was so worried what else he would do. And I was right to do so. Damning Eva to become immortal wasn't the worst thing he did but it was by far the craziest thing. Were was his I'm only doing this to save Eva in that moment? It was a joke how he still thought he loved her. His reasoning for becoming immortal can't even be called reasoning because it didn't make sense in the slightest. He just wanted the power like the insecure little dickhead he is.
Also it made me want to throw up every time he touched her, kissed her or called her my wife. Just to turn around and manhandle her. He was despicable.
He was the worst human being that ever wandered that magical world. I just know that if Eva ever found out what Apollo truly did, she would've never given him a chance of leaving the tree. He needs to be locked up for life. He is a liar. He is a rapist. He is a murderer.
May he rest in agony for as long as his black rotting heart beats.
Also Aurora was just an absolute piece of shit. I can't believe she is responsible for EVERYTHING that ever happened to them. I knew something was fishy when Steph mentioned the Aurora + Jacks thing but I never even thought of her being this evil and petty. I do not wish her the same fate as Apollo but I do wish she leaves and never comes back. It would serve her right to work as a maid or farmer or something with terrible clothing for the rest of her life.
I'm not quite sure what to think of the rest of the family except that I wish Lala would've gotten her happy end. I always shipped her with Chaos before I found out her love was the dragon shifter and I hope she'll be happy and in love. I don't care if it'll be with Chaos or Dane or someone else. (I want it to be with Chaos haha) I'm also really sorry for her former fiancé because he seemed genuinely sweet.
My one complaint about this book is how often characters were there tho. Apollo had way too many chapters (I found myself wanting to skip a few sentences because he annoyed me so much) and we got way too little scenes with Eva and Jacks. Overall Jacks should've been the one with more chapters because I know the point was to show Apollo as the true villain but most of his stuff never got called out so it felt a bit unsatisfying. Not his end tho. That was perfect haha
--- Also I do not love the way the curse is explained because it unearthed so many questions: Did Jacks know Tessa was the girl who would never love him? If he did, why wanted he to go back in time? Did he want a chance at love with someone who would never love him? And if he didn't know and also thought it meant true love, why?? He was there when the curse happened? Or did Aurora never tell it? But she said the curse changed the story. So that would mean originally people knew the only surviver will be someone who will never love him. Which means Jacks did know about it. So why then? And making it to kill people that love him also put Eva at so much risk? So how did the love conquer the curse that is destined to kill the love? Like how? I understood how to break a curse designed for true love but how do you break a cursr against love WITH love? Also HOW did he become a fate? Did the Valors do it? I know why he became one but that doesn't even explain why he turned into the Prince of Hearts? Was he a romantic when he turned? And his ability became to make people love him? Is that why everyone dies? Surely there have to be more girls than Tella who would never love him? Scarlett would survive, Lala would survive. So many people would survive. I have so many questions. ---
*Edit: I JUST realized the name haha I didn't get it for so long but now knowing Aurora cursed the true love and the curse wasn't "helping" him find true love makes so much sense. The curse was spoken FOR true love. I'm so dumb I didn't get it earlier haha
I wanted to see more of Lala, Luc and Chaos as well. I'm a bit disappointed Luc wasn't in the book at all. And I do wonder what happened to Marisol. And if Scarlett and Donatella heard of what happened.
The apples didn't bother me because she kind of answered it and I don't think it ever had a deeper meaning than being related to the curse and his urge to kiss. I actually loved the epilogue and it was a funny little joke for the readers. (Also I do consider every bonus epilogue as a normal part of the story because especially the b&n one was too good to not be canon!)
However, I really wished she would've talked about the 'him being immortal and her not' issue because it will keep me up at night.
I guess what I'm trying to say overall is that the world of Caraval has still so much more to show and I would love another book or even another five. Especially a book about Lala and Castor because it felt like Stepahnie was preparing for another spin off. (I am probably being delusional but I feel like a lot of questions about the Valoes were left unanswered because they should be talked about in Castor's story and in Eva's.)
I have to say tho after really thinking about it that Eva's mother always told her fairytales leave you with questions and you won't always get the answer. So I feel like the plot in the end, the questions, the missing fragments - they are all part to make this book exactly like it was meant to be. A cursed fairytale that cannot tell its ending.
》Once upon a time, there was nothing but kissing, and everything was perfect. And then there was even more kissing.《


“Wait!” Evangeline called. “What’s your name?”
You already know, Little Fox.

Jacks had always considered himself more of a sadist than a masochist. He enjoyed inflicting pain, not receiving it.
And yet he couldn’t bring himself to leave the shadows of Evangeline’s bedroom.
It wasn’t an obsession.
One visit wasn’t an obsession.
Jacks just needed to make sure she was still alive. That she wasn’t bleeding. In danger. Unhappy. Cold. She was safe in her bed. She’d be even safer when he left her. But he was too selfish to leave just yet.

She had something important to tell someone.

Her head hurt and her chest felt hollowed out, as if she’d lost more than just her memories.
For a second the agony was so deep and so brutal, she clutched her heart, half expecting to find a jagged hole. But there was no wound. Her heart was still there; she could feel it beating.
Yet for a devastating moment, Evangeline imagined that it shouldn’t have been, that her heart was supposed to be as broken as she felt.