Once Upon A Broken Heart Hodderscape Vault

I thought I wouldn't enjoy this series since I didn't like Caraval by Stephanie Garber but after seeing so much about the Once upon a broken heart trilogy I thought I might give it a try. While the writing and world building is very similar to Caraval, I did really enjoy reading this book
I'm not certain if I love the overly dramatic writing style but the enchanting fairytale kind of setting was pretty fun to read. While this book may have been lacking in some ways I think it was made up for by compelling characters, especially Jacks

this was so effortless to read idec that much abt the plot its been so long since i read a book in a day


But she was like the tide drawn by the tremendous force of the moon. It was no wonder waves were always crashing; they must have hated the pull as much as she did.

“I believe there are far more possibilities than happily ever after or tragedy. Every story has the potential for infinite endings.”

All stories are made of both truths and lies, she used to say. What matters is the way that we believe in them.