Everyday Zen

Everyday Zen

In Everyday Zen, author Stephanie Russell states, "Zen mind sees daily life as the main vehicle for higher awareness." Everyday Zen teaches you how to incorporate the principles of Zen into your daily routine. You must be present in the moment and be willing to accept change and let go of tangible items in order to progress. Russell offers numerous methods of integrating Zen into everyday life:o Self-justification is like pouring a cup of sand into the ocean.o Halfhearted action makes mud of a mountain stream. Walk into your work with everything you have and leave with yet more clarity.o Everyday problems can seem unsolvable. They are not. Walk around the block and take in the world: the topiary, the trees, a paper cup crumpled in the grass. When you return home, your solution will be inside the door.o A triumph occurs alongside a calamity. A person is born and another one dies. You're elated and at the same time you're blue. Don't try to make sense of these things. Step back from the drama and observe life without entanglement.
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