Stephen Andrews
The True Constitution of Government in the Sovereignty of the Individual

The True Constitution of Government in the Sovereignty of the Individual

Stephen Pearl Andrews was an outspoken abolitionist and individualist anarchist who authored several books on the labor movement and individualist anarchism. His writings addressing the injustice of slavery, an institution as old as the written word, and the tendency of a free market to turn out wage slaves put him into the class of radical abolitionists. Moreover, the constant encroachment of Artificial Intelligence and Automation on the value of present and future labor makes his writings just as relevant today. Two excerpts from his writings: "In what great feature are Protestantism, Democracy, and Socialism (his definition of Socialism is different from the modern-day definition) identical? Protestantism, Democracy, and Socialism are identical in the assertion of the Supremacy of the Individual -- a dogma essentially contumacious, revolutionary, and antagonistic to the basis principles of all the older institutions of society, which make the Individual subordinate and subject to the Church, to the State, and to Society respectively. Not only is this supremacy or sovereignty of the individual OF THE INDIVIDUAL a common element of all three of these great modern movements, but I will make the still more sweeping assertion, that it is substantially the whole of those movements."The oppressed classes do not want charity but justice, and with simple justice, the necessity for charity will disappear or be reduced to a minimum."The protection of minorities is essential for a harmonious society. But, it is also essential that society remembers that the individual is the smallest minority. This work by Stephen Pearl Andrews reminds us of this fact. Please enjoy.
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