The Mystical Ladder to Elysian Fields

The Mystical Ladder to Elysian Fields

The Mystical Ladder to Elysian Fields reveals a way to climb from the illusionary consciousness of this world to the kingdom of God. Through the substance of inner realizations and revelations, a Soul constructs a ladder and ascends to heaven amidst the angels of God. There are seven foundational principles to spiritual existence, seven intuitive stages of progress leading to the inner life. Through utilization and fidelity to these principles you build Soul awareness and develop the qualities to climb the rungs of the mystical ladder. Adherence to these precepts of life are the essence that form the rungs of ascension, fanning the fire of spiritual rebirth. As you climb this ladder, you experience a gradual expansion of truth. Each step appears as a different state of conscious awareness, accompanied by sequential revelations, brought to pass by an open heart and receptive Soul faculties. It is then you come to live a visionary’s dream and feel the intense joy of mystic union, of knowing God as the one essential spiritual reality embodying all life. This is the natural order of the wonderful, angelic state of consciousness, free to ascend and descend the mystical ladder, to come and go as the wind.
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