Divine Love

Divine Love Authenticity, Intimacy, Awakening

Stephen Shaw2019
Divine Love is a book about authenticity and intimacy; a guide on how to truly live. It's not about chasing heavens out there; instead, it's about creating a slice of heaven on Earth. Bringing raw, real, deep Divine Love to your Here Now. Living and loving with your entire heart. Embracing the OMGorgeous exquisilicious feelings of fulfilment, peace and joy. Stephen Shaw is a Spiritual Teacher and Author. He is also a Tantra Master, Shaman and Mystic. His twelve spiritual books and inspirational seminars raise individual consciousness and contribute to spiritual awakening. Stephen's mission is to spread Love, Light and Awakening. To increase fulfilment, peace and joy in everyday living. To bring heaven to the Here Now. To catalyze radical personal transformation, highest spiritual teachings, access to the sacred multi-dimensions, and immersion in the Source or Light. Visit the website: www.i-am-stephen-shaw.com Excerpt of Customer Reviews (from Amazon): ​​"Exquisite, profound message. Exactly what I needed to hear. The final and most perfect piece of my spiritual puzzle. My path is complete after reading your beautiful and brilliant mystical book. A divine author, you are! Thank you." "Wow, so different to your spiritual novels. Yet, so awesome, so heartfelt, so poetic, so pure. Divine Love (hardcover) lays on my bedside table for sweet-dreams stardust, and the paperback rests in my bag for daily sustenance and inspiration." "I loved all your spiritual novels. Intriguing stories that taught me so much. REFLECTIONS was a fabulous handbook (not a novel). And now this! DIVINE LOVE is also not a novel, but a truly awesome guide to divine loving and living. So many personal questions that have bothered me about love, life and relationships ANSWERED. May I express my deepest, heartfelt gratitude for your book." "Everything I was seeking is right here in DIVINE LOVE. It all suddenly made sense. It all came together. DIVINE LOVE has all the keys and secrets I needed. I now intend to retire into pure bliss, resounding peace, deep fulfilment and overflowing joy." "I love this book. 'Divine' and 'Love' weaved into a title ... I knew it was going to be excellent. I adore the concept of Divine Lovers introduced in your book. The entire work is absolutely superb and sacred and stellar and sensational."
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