Alibis and Other Lies - Trunk #6

Alibis and Other Lies - Trunk #6

Dirty Deeds… Reasonable Rates A judge with big gambling debts, a defendant in need of a break, and Trunk’s lawyer, Benny Baxter. What should have been a simple deal goes wrong. Now Benny is the defendant. Trunk comes back to help his lawyer and runs head-first into a different crisis, Mehir Orbach. You remember the twelve-year-old psychopath that despises Trunk, doncha? You ain’t ever gonna forget him after this. The boy got a gun. Kendall gets drunk a lot. Why not? She’s pretty, she's got that ‘girl of your dreams’ act down pat, and can kill you faster than you can count to the number one. Maybe she shouldn’t drink like that in her line of work. But whenever Trunk is around she knows she can cut loose and get drunk enough to stop those damned nightmares. He’ll get her home safely. Always does. When your friends get drunk, you take away their keys. When Kendall gets drunk, Trunk takes away her Glock. What would you do if you knew the date and time of your death and there was nothing you could do to stop it? Trunk’s curiosity goes to a dark place when he asks fundamental questions about remorse and the best way to help trauma victims. Murder for money started the day after money was invented. Military pension rules changed last year in a northern European country. The result was an increase in the number of sharpshooters available for the private market. The timing couldn’t have been better, the market is booming. Reddix Logistical Support is looking to expand to meet growing demand. That leads to a meeting at a farmhouse, far out on the west side of Jacksonville, Florida. Kendall was there. Trunk and Benny too, although Benny wished he was somewhere else. I’ll get a rag, we’re gonna need it to clean the fan after this. When you can’t call the cops…Call Trunk
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