
I don't know why I keep reading the volumes, besides the fact that I bought them years ago and never read after the 1st one (which I liked on my first time around) but I can't seem to like this one either. My main problem I guess is that it brings pretty much nothing to the table, except a bunch of cliches and no new ideas, forcing us to eat shit like oh hey, let's make Eben alive again, not that the story of the first one was an exceptional piece of work or something, but it was what it was, the idea was great and interesting, the plot was ok, the dialogue was ok, the execution was whatever and the artwork was mostly a personal opinion for what it is, I sometimes like it, I sometimes hate it, and Templesmith is on this one too, and I hated it most of the time, mainly because of the fucking stick figures and when it comes to vamp-chars, I don't know who the fuck is who half the time. If I have to squint and pretty much make myself blind to understand who the character is because of scribbles and shit, then that shit is not for me. Anyway, other than all that, from the first volume, here we get Stella, Eben's wife from the first one, wanna get revenge on the vamps for her husband, after writing a book about what happened in the first one, and going public with the whole vampires exist, (of course people think she's crazy and that her story is fictional) and that's pretty much it. There's some killing and the revenge and of course the "we need to get the character we killed in the finale of the first one back" thing, which sucked. There's a moment here where they use guns, firearms and GRENADES to throw at them vampires, and sure yeah, go for it, but then, all them vamps disappear and the cops come in and they ARREST the people who shoot guns and throw grenades on people inside a hall or whatever on an event, and so, the protagonist here is like "I did that because there were vampires" and the cops are LITERALLY like "Let's just let them people go to their business", "ah, another crazy person who makes no sense, let's just let them go, the people who shot guns and threw grenades".. so, I don't know if that in USA makes sense but it doesn't really make sense in the rest of the world. If you're trying to have realistic rules for a world that's real and based on the real world but with vampires, then police letting people who shot guns and threw a bunch of grenades in the middle of the city, after what? a few minutes of talking and interrogating, then I don't know, but your story kinda sucks and lacks realism, especially when you're trying to sell me that vampires exist and they've been hiding all these years. Anyway, I'm going to continue reading of course, throughout the whole series of comic and books, but I wouldn't recommend this. It screams "1st one sold out so we had to make another one".