Betwixt and Between

Betwixt and Between Exploring the Faery Tradition of Witchcraft

With its own unique origins that pre-date Gardner's Wicca, the Faery tradition of witchcraft is a path of great beauty and power. This book provides the tools you need to begin your own Faery-style magical practice. Discover the foundational prayers, rites, and spirit contacts of the Faery tradition, with an emphasis on personal experimentation and creative exploration. With rituals, recipes, poetry, exercises, and lore, Betwixt & Between will inspire your own magical work and provide you with a workable BlueRose Faery-style practice. Faery promises power to those who dare to wield it, but in so doing it changes us forever. This is the real danger, and promise, of Faery: we become more of who we actually are.
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