Straight on 'Til Morning

Perfect retelling! This book was SO good, I loved that we got so much background information on the beloved characters we grew up with and the story! The story got me hooked so quickly! I loved that this wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, the darkness of the story really made it so much better!

It was unlikely that I would dislike this book as its written by a favourite author but Peter Pan is one of my least favourite tales. I just think Peter is a petulant child and needs to grow up (no pun intended). But I loved this very loose retelling, there are name changes but it’s clear who’s who and the new adult smutty twist was fantastic. Kelsey writes brilliant smut in my opinion, my only gripe with all her books is that I want more smut but I think that’s just me… not sorry about it. The atmosphere was fantastic, I got a real sense of the island and feeling of danger at every turn. The side characters were brilliant, I particularly loved the Captain of the Jollyroger and the lost boy Slightly. A truly wonderful surprise release, now if we can get a surprise release for the next instalment of Fortuna Sworn, I would be even happier...


"This is a dream,” I said at last. “It has to be.” The boy’s grin grew. “Perhaps you’re finally awake, and you’ve been asleep until this moment.”