
This is so fun to read, singing Will’s perspective in the upside down is amazing

this was cool just for the insight it gave into will's time in the upside down

will waking up at the hospital scene gives a new perspective to things

Will saving Nancy's life was so brave

reading more from will's pov is interesting

You get to see more connections between d&d and will's disappearance, plus it answers a couple of questions like how Joyce could hear will through the phone in s1

my review: "But no matter how tightly she squeezed her eyes shut, there was only more darkness to be seen. And of course, the darkness is where the monsters lurk." Stranger Things: Into the Fire, Jody Houser english version: ohh I really liked the sequel to SIX, the drawings are extraordinary and the story evolves quite well, it’s a real + "vis-à-vis" to the series!! version française: ohh j'ai vraiment aimé la suite de SIX, les dessins sont extraordinaires et l'histoire évolue assez bien, c'est un vrai + vis à vis de la série!!

my review: "I'm not one of the babies. 'sides Dr Brenner says I'm special. Yeah, he says that a lot." Stranger Things: Six, Jody Houser english version: I want to KILL Brenner, but I’m not going to stoop to that kind of thing. I am happy to have been able to know more about the other laboratory subjects and to see how these arrived there, I am quite a fan of the end in addition which is a good end in my opinion. + It is very beautiful, the pieces of art at the end are beautiful. version française: je veux TUER Brenner mais je ne m'abaisserai pas à ce genre de manière. je suis contente d'avoir pu en savoir plus sur les autres sujets de laboratoire et de voir comment ceux ci sont arrivés là, je suis assez fan de la fin en plus qui est une bonne fin d'après moi. + c'est très très beau, les pièces d'art à la fin sont magnifiques.