Stuck-Up Suit

4.5 Well that was beautiful.

4.5 Well that was beautiful.

Cute, but the whole drama with Chloe at the end was kind of extra and totally predictable and overdone, in my opinion at least. The beginning of the story premise was unique and fun though.

You think you know but you have no idea ... I picked the book up as a lark. The premise sounded good and my reading friends were loving it ... Don't fail me reading friends! They didn't. I loved this book. Twists like a fave daytime story but that just made me love Graham and Soraya even more. Sexy but not overly sexy. Hot moments that at times fade to black and you have to use your imagination. The sex scenes when described in detail are there to further the plot along and not just for sex sake. If you like hot heroes and spunky heroines ... This book is for you. You like insta-love and fated stories ... Yup, this book is for you. You enjoy a good soap opera ... Yep, read this book.

i don't know if it's a 5 star or a 4 star book. and i honestly don't care. because one thing i know is that i sobbed while i read this book. and that does it all for me. graham you perfect bastard :) that's all.

LOVED this book, full review on the blog. https://bookbaybeeh.wordpress.com/201...

4.5 stars

** spoiler alert ** 3.5/4. This was just the angsty, drama filled romance I was in the mood for. I really liked Graham and how dedicated he was to Soraya...their feelings evolved super fast, but that's how they tend to happen in romances. I liked that she was a little rough around the edges. There were a couple things I wasn't a huge fan of, like the tattooing of Soraya's name (and later on, Graham's name). We witnessed him covering up his tattoo with Genevieve's name on it, but if I was Soraya, I would feel like that's a been there/done that move from him. Plus, it was like a month after they started dating. Another thing was Soraya's idea of getting Graham to break up with her. That was pretty low! I don't know if I would be willing to take someone back after they "cheated," even if it was found that it was all a setup. That's some serious emotional damage. Those things just seemed childish and extreme. Overall, I did enjoy this book. I devoured it in a couple of hours. Graham was a really great, swoon worthy guy and Soraya was feisty and relatable.

no thoughts. head empty. just soraya & graham.

Audiobook rating: 4 stars!

This book was so GOOD! I couldn't put down at all the whole day. Just finished it! it's 4:30AM, now excuse me I'm going to pass out (review coming soon...)