Succubus Blues

Succubus Blues

Richelle Mead2010
When it comes to jobs in hell, being a succubus seems pretty glamorous. A girl can be anything she wants, the wardrobe is killer, and mortal men will do anything just for a touch. Granted, they can often pay with their souls, but why get technical? But Seattle succubus Georgina Kincaid's life is far less exotic. Her boss is a middle-management demon with a thing for John Cusack movies. Her immortal best friends haven't stopped teasing her about the time she shape-shifted into the Demon Goddess getup complete with whip and wings. And she can't have a decent date without the sucking away part of the guy's life. At least there's her day job at a local bookstore - free books; all the white chocolate mochas she can drink; and easy access to bestselling, sexy writer, Seth Mortensen, aka He Whom She Would Give Anything to Touch but Can't. But dreaming about Seth will have to wait. Something wicked is at work in Seattle's demon underground. And for once, all of her hot charms and drop-dead one-liners won't help because Georgina's about to discover there are some creatures out there that both heaven and hell want to deny...
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Photo of Briar's Reviews
Briar's Reviews@briarsreviews
5 stars
Jul 31, 2023

Hot diggity dang, I love this book! Richelle Mead was one of my many high school guilty pleasures. I'd sneak off to read Vampire Academy over and over without a second thought. I always knew I wanted to read this series but it either continually slipped my mind or my local bookstores would sell out (and online bookstores wouldn't have it available). So, I finally caved and remembered this book existed when I found book #4 at a local charity book sale. I bought this book full price (which is SUPER rare for me, I'm a deal hunter) and I do not regret it in the least! Especially since I am already hooked on this series. AND, I just ordered the second book FULL PRICE. Yes, ladies & gentlemen, I love this series so much already I'm buying the books FULL PRICE. So, off to the review races: Georgina Kincaid is a succubus. You know, the types of mythical creatures that lure men in with sex and intrigue. She's sassy, a total book nerd and is totally the type of character I want to read about. She does have her flaws, her food source is energy from humans, but who doesn't? So, we meet Ms. Kincaid as she works at her local bookstore and learn that she is TOTALLY OBSESSED with Seth Mortensen (an author of her favourite book series that kind of sounds like Bones but sexier). One day, a man comes into the bookstore and she begins to rave about how she would totally be Seth's book slave. And, wouldn't you know it, SHE SAID IT TO SETH. My gosh, I already was giggling because I totally saw it coming BUT IT WAS STILL FUNNY. To keep moving along the plot: There is also many other immortal creatures hanging around - vampires, angels, demons, etc. Some of these are her friends, some are her bosses and some are just strangers on the street. Humans don't know about them though, so SHHHH. Everyone seems to live in perfect harmony.... you know, until they don't. Suddenly immortal creatures are dying and Georgina is pulled into the turmoil of figuring out who, what, why, when and how. Meanwhile, Georgina is kinda into Seth but a hot guy Roman also comes into her life and chases her around the city. She eventually gives in, because he's hot, and they dance (literally and sexually). This book is absolutely marvelous for me as a reader. I totally dig Richelle's writing style and tone, her books move at a relatively fast pace, and they are funny AND romantic AND sexy. This style might not be for everyone, but it is totally for me! I could see some of the plot twists from a mile away, but I didn't come to this book for some Dan Brown style mystery. I came for the love triangle, the sassiness and the fantasy. It felt like Vampire Academy but 18+, meaning more sex, more adult-like themes but all the drama and intrigue the YA universe gave me. Is there negatives? Absolutely! Georgina made some poor drinking decisions, couldn't see some of the bad guys (even though it was painfully obvious) and has a bit of a 'poor me' complex. It's been centuries since you've been in love darling, get over the mistakes you made and LIVE. Other notes: for Georgina being a succubus who has sex with lots of men, this book is not the erotica you might think it'd be. It seriously felt like a good mix of New Adult and Adult romance novels. It's more romantic comedy with fantasy than erotica. Overall, I love this book. It was a fun ride that let me enjoy it. As long as you don't take this book seriously, you'll enjoy the ride to. I'd highly recommend it to any Richelle Mead fans (especially Vampire Academy fans). Five out of five stars!

Photo of Gisela Ayala
Gisela Ayala @giselasmusings
3 stars
Sep 7, 2022

I put three, but honestly, it deserves a 3.5, almost a 4 because I genuinely enjoyed this book! I didn't think I would (sometimes I do judge by the cover) but the plot was pretty gripping. On top of that, I find anything that has to do with the forces of good and evil (angels and demons) fascinating. The main character, Georgina, was really interesting too. I like that she had more to her than just what any succubus job entails. She is still really in touch with her humanity and cares about humans. So much so that it pretty much has ruined her love life for the last millennia. BUT I find it so cool how with her immortality she has been able to take advantage and experience so many different time periods and she keeps the best of them (swing dancing anyone?). It was a bit slow at first, but once the murders started happening, I couldn't put the book down. I needed to know who was behind everything! Georgina is a smart succubus and was able to figure out a lot of the details. I'm hoping though that maybe in the next book she might get stronger or something, maybe have some hidden power in her arsenal. Either way, I'm looking forward to the next book.

Photo of Elizabeth Neill
Elizabeth Neill@beersbooksandboos
5 stars
Apr 29, 2022

I loved this book

Photo of Nicki
2 stars
Apr 8, 2022

I really just like Seth tbh.

Photo of Sarah Escorsa
Sarah Escorsa@shrimpy
1 star
Mar 8, 2022

This book is (choose all that apply): a) Boring as fish. b) Wondrously crappy. c) Exquisitely decaf, diet, GMO and gluten-free. d) Flat as my now infamous herd of ironing boards. e) A safe haven for severely misunderstood drama llamas. f) So PG-13 it reads like a Seizure-Inducing Paranormal Chick Lit Type Thingie (SIPCLTT™). g) ALL of the above. h) ALL of the above². Quite logically, a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h = me feeling a teensy little bit like this: Gif most generously provided by Sarchotic Industries, Ltd Had this delightfully scrumptious masterpiece simply been a Lame-A-Saurus endeavor and nothing more, I probably would have gone for a stellar 2-star rating. But the author (view spoiler)[ whose name is NOT Michelle Read, contrary to what my ever-decaying little grey cells will have me believe, but Richelle Mead (hide spoiler)] decided the ghastly a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h sum wasn't disastrous enough and went in for the kill by creating one of those irresistibly irresistible female characters I simply cannot, um, you know, resist and stuff, thus inevitably leading us down the Why the Fish Are There No Negative Ratings on Goodreads Road (WtFATNNRoGR™). And here we are. My Little Barnacles, please allow me to introduce our amazingly endearing, ever-perceptive, super dignified, highly charming, self-effacing, ever-thankful, trustworthy, magnificently respectful, constant-as-can-be heroine, Georgina Kincaid! Wait. I think there’s a problem with my Miraculous Crustacean-to-Puny Human Instant Translation Machine (MCtPHITM™). Let me tweak the settings a little bit to see if I can get a more accurate rendition of my shrimpy thoughts. Be right back and stuff. Okay, I think I fixed it. Let’s try this again, shall we? My Little Barnacles, please allow me to introduce our supremely unlikeable, gloriously hare-brained, no-integrity-or-self-respect-guaranteed, eminently unpleasant, wonderfully self-obsessed, ungrateful, fickle-as-fish, self-important, whiny-woe-is-me, delightfully loathsome heroine extraordinaire, Georgina Kincaid! Oh my Bloody Shrimping Lord of the Stinking Fish! I think I’m in 💕love💕 and stuff! Damn, looks like the MCtPHITM™ just misfired again. It’s probably due to overheating or something (it’s been uncommonly hot in the Mariana Trench these last few days). Let me try and find a gif to properly convey the overwhelmingly affectionate feelings I have for Dear Georgina here. Yes, I am feeling uncharacteristically amiable today. I have to say that Enchanting Georgina is quite the lovable character indeed (and not just because her idea of a wacky evening is building a bookshelf). No no no, no need to take your anti-bullshit sprays out, my Wobbly Decapods! I’m being totally and complete honest and truthful here! I do lurve the girl beyond all measure! How could I not? She is an overly charismatic, impossible-to-resist succubus after all. I’m pretty sure all the manly males in this masterpiece of a book would agree with me on that one. I mean, every bloody shrimping single one of them falls for her about a quarter of a half second after meeting her, which seems to indicate she’s got some serious Inexorably Enthralling Crap (IEC™) going on. (I personally think it has something to do with her having the undying charm of a weather-beaten dinoflagellate, but I could be wrong.) The sad thing is, I don’t stand a chance with Georgina Dear. Sigh. She is a Certified Dude Magnet (CDM™), yes, but she also happens to be one of those positively enchanting female leads who do not have women friends, and whose female acquaintances are all cunning, evil bitches. Which means I can forget about adopting kidnapping her and locking her up in my High Security Harem. Damn. I hate my nefarious life so much right now. To think I could have been part of the Georgina Kincaid Love Triangle Hexagon of Doom and Oblivion! And bond with my extremely enticing co-lurve interests Roman, Seth, Doug and Warren during one of the super exciting swing classes Georgina teaches at her workplace after hours (view spoiler)[ don’t eyeroll, don’t ask (hide spoiler)]! And I will never be the subject of her Exceptionally Exceptional Double Standards (EEDS™), either! Ah, to be Warren just so that Georgina my lover can think me a total sleazebag for repeatedly cheating on my wife with her! When Dear G herself is undoubtedly innocent as the newborn shrimp and has obviously done nothing wrong! I mean, it’s not like she’s the cheating sleazebag’s paramour or anything! Ah, to think I’m going to miss out on such beautiful logic and impeccably principled behaviour! I guess all that is left for me to do is admire Lovely G’s handiwork from afar. And get all fuzzy inside whenever I read about her Sweet and Not Fished Up At All Times (SaNFUAAT™) with co-lurve interest #124586 #2: he asks her on a date, she says NO again and again. Then she says HELL YES (because duh and stuff)! He wants to buy her a drink, she says NO again and again. Then she says HELL YES (because duh and stuff) and ends up downing two margaritas, two mojitos and a tequila chaser (she has a very firm rule against drinking alcoholic beverages). She gets a little drunk as a result, but stays classy, always. That’s just who Dear G is, a charming girl intent on respecting herself and others at all times! I think you would have to read about the time she had sex with #124586 #2 like a rabid barnacle in heat to get a good grasp on her admirable disposition. She didn’t do it because she actually wanted to, or felt like it, you see (don’t be ridiculous now, such silly considerations are really beneath Dear G). She only did it to buy time and keep him distracted from other stuff! Georgina’s moral probity and sense of self-sacrifice are as unheard heard of as they are commendable, if you ask me. Are you finally beginning to understand why I fell so hard for the girl? And why she will always be in my black, withered heart? Ah, young love. So touching. ➽ And the moral of this Bloody Shrimping Hell The Bloody Stinking Books Things I Have to Put Myself Through to Complete the Bloody Fishing MacHalo Cleaning Challenge Crappy Non Review (BSHtBSBTIHtPMTtCtBFMCCCNR™) is: You want to read about glorious demons, delicious Nephilim and angel assholes? Don’t read this crap, read Sandman Slim. You’re welcome and stuff. [Pre-review nonsense] Many a gloriously excruciating eye-rolling moment was had in the process of reading this masterpiece. Much fun it was. ➽ Full Bloody Stinking Fish of the Slaughterish Shrimp this Book is so Exceptionally Crappy It Fits Most of My Crappiest of Crappiest Bookshelves Now if that Isn't an Achievement I Don't Know What Is Crappy Non Review (BSFotSStBisECIFMoMCoCBNitIaAIDKWICNR™) to come. Hey, I'm only three years late for this buddy read that never was which seems to imply I'm not that late after all but hey I would have been if it had but it wasn't so I'm not ergo go me and stuff! It seems I have finally lost it. Worry not MacHalos, we are not going to read this book. It's Pleasure Unbound we will be BRing on Oct. 16. I'm hopeless, I know. BR with my MacHalo Freaks starting Oct. 16, 2015. Because surely there must be non-crappy, non-suicide-inducing PNR out there. Blah blah blah thread

Photo of Kelly Casey
Kelly Casey@caseygirlreads
4 stars
Nov 25, 2021

Well not sure where to start. My overall feelings on this are mixed. I liked it, but I didn't love it as much as the previous two books I read before this which could be skewing my opinion. It was enjoyable, I liked the characters, but I couldn't always understand or relate to how Georgina kept flip-flopping between men. I get that she is literally a sexual creature that needs sex to survive, but I just found it hard to connect. I also figured out the main twist from very early on, and the story was quite predictable. I don't know I just didn't love it, but it was still enjoyable.

Photo of Laurie Abrial
Laurie Abrial@lau_reads
4 stars
Nov 18, 2021

Ma chronique :

Photo of Megan Cooper
Megan Cooper@mec
4 stars
Nov 4, 2021

From the title, I was half expecting a raunchy smut-a-thon and what I ended up finding was a great new series that proves you don't have to have a half human/half peternatural (or full preternatural) kick ass heroine to make a good UF/PNR story. Don't get me wrong, Georgina has attitude and can be as snarky as the next genre heroine, but as a succubus, she can do a bit of shape shifting (mostly human features) and can charm the pants off anyone - draining some of their life. Georgina and her friends are minions of darkness, but kind of slackers - not really taking their jobs or their boss too seriously, all of them with day jobs, corrupting souls on thier off hours. When lesser immortals start getting attacked, Georgina pulls a Nancy Drew and starts investigating against the orders of Seattle's archdemon and angel - of course she ends up uncovering more than she bargained for. Running parallel to the mystery, Georgina's fangirl crush on her favourite author (who moves to town and ends up writing in the bookstore she works at) brings to a head how much she dislikes what she's become, and gives a great insight into her character. The book is funny, smart, and a refreshing change. This is definitely a series and an author I'll continue reading.

Photo of Kat Kooiman
Kat Kooiman@katk
5 stars
Oct 19, 2021

I'd forgotten how interesting these books are...

Photo of Melissa Railey
Melissa Railey@melrailey
3 stars
Jan 18, 2024
Photo of Vicky  Nuñez
Vicky Nuñez @vicky21
4 stars
Mar 25, 2024
Photo of Zaira A
Zaira A @zai
5 stars
Jul 28, 2023
Photo of Petaco
2 stars
Jul 15, 2023
Photo of Khoi K
Khoi K@uplatewithabook
3 stars
May 18, 2023
Photo of Kaddi
Kaddi @kaddi99
4 stars
Apr 1, 2023
Photo of Rhiannon Mansfield
Rhiannon Mansfield@rhiannon
4 stars
Mar 24, 2023
Photo of Marta Costa 🐰
Marta Costa 🐰@martacosta
5 stars
Jan 5, 2023
Photo of DeoDone Gous
DeoDone Gous@ddg_booked
3 stars
Dec 28, 2022
Photo of Vesselina
4 stars
Dec 22, 2022
Photo of DeoDone Gous
DeoDone Gous@deodone
3 stars
Nov 2, 2022
Photo of Ashley Janssen
Ashley Janssen@aninterestingidea
3 stars
Oct 18, 2022
Photo of Wren Elliott
Wren Elliott @wren
5 stars
Oct 9, 2022
Photo of Toni pilato
Toni pilato@tinyytoes
4 stars
Oct 2, 2022
Photo of Tammie Samuels
Tammie Samuels@timtam105
5 stars
Aug 26, 2022