On Schedule
Easy read

On Schedule The Wedding Business #3

Summer Dowell2022
I’m a huge fan of love and marriage and all that gushy stuff. Just for other people. Not me. Avery: I’m a simple woman. All I want is for my wedding planning business to thrive. That’s it. I don’t want some annoying photographer (Okay, I'll admit it. He's attractive. In a guy-you-want-to-hate kinda way) that tries with moderate success to get under my skin. I don’t need some adorable stray puppy that’s just dying to make me a dog mom. I don’t want any of it. All right? Tyler: I mean, am I attracted to Avery? Sure. If you're into the big brown eyes and full soft lips kinda thing. She may or may not have sneaked her way into my film roll more times than I can count this week. But as enticing as Avery is, she has a bite to go with it. Like a tiger, just waiting for you to come close and count its stripes so it can attack. But what if there's more to her than the human checklist vibe she gives off? And what if I'm drawn to that part? A laugh-out-loud, clean romance that is full of all the sarcasm and swoons!
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