Existence and Evolution of Everything: The Permutation and Combination of Single Matter -A Basis of Universe.

Existence and Evolution of Everything: The Permutation and Combination of Single Matter -A Basis of Universe.

Sunil Kumar2019
This book contains the new theories for evolution of matter and life on earth. The complete and unique process showing the existence of everything in the Universe has been defined and presented with new concept. The processes of evolution have been written first and the outcome is logically correct as per the existence of everything that we observe in day to day life.The Universe is full of truth, facts and certain probabilities. The factors affecting the probability of existence or happening of the things are infinite in the Universe and thus, under normal condition, the scientists would stick in limits of the Principle of Uncertainty. One cannot determine a fixed value through Uncertainty. Everything is Uncertain at some point of time if compared at different intervals depending on the period of intervals the factors affecting the thing occurs. If the things are within the scope of reach of the understand ability of the scientist, then he will treat it as certain and if goes beyond his understand ability, then he will treat these results as Uncertain. In this book, it is proved that everything is certain based on Permutation and Combination. The permutation and combination methods of nature follow numerous steps with the involvement of numerous factors that gives the results too exhaustive for the humans to consider the result as certain without the concept of using Permutation and Combination.The scientist trying to mixing different theories to reach a new theory will not allow them to reach the conclusive point but instead of earning the livelihood. As so many scientists are working and their thoughts will result in the outcome of the theory based on the use of knowledge that they used from their intrinsic thoughts. There must be one value that would always be fixed and certain at a given point of time. Means, if any reference is changed, then the result has to change. That is, we only work on things whose references are according to our scope and reach, established in advance. The permutation and combination of intrinsic outcome of any of the scientists will lead him to result that would be certain. In case of scientists stuck in Uncertainty, they will try to measure the size of Universe, an object and electrons with the concept that has been written by me couple of years back, that to, know, the size of a thing, tangible or intangible, at least one end is necessary to be known. Here, only the size of an object can be in the scope of the humans.However, this book does not follow the principle of Uncertainty that makes the things more complicated instead of reaching to the solution. The Limitation of scope of humans is so large that very rare would understand the science and society. But this book presents the new dimensions of thoughts to the readers, in this regard.
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