
If you have not read this book, go away, because this review will be more of a super spoiler-y rant than a review. Okay, so there has been some sort of time warp in between Paranormalcy and Supernaturally. Lend is away at college, leaving Evie all sad and alone at high school. Raquel comes back and asks that Evie work with IPCA again, but on a we’re-controlling-you-way-less level. Evie agrees and goes behind Lend’s back to do it. And then we meet this guy named Jack. And Jack is adorable and annoying and amazing and I love him. I do believe that I said I though he was so cool, unless he tried to make Evie and Lend into a love triangle, which he did not, so I do, still, in fact love him. Okay, he did at one point kiss Evie, but it was neither his purpose or intent to create a love triangle, and no love triangle came out of it and it was actually a really funny scene, so it was okay. Now, one thing that I did NOT see coming was Jack being a psychopath. Of course, knowing me, that only made me like him MORE. I can’t wait to read the next one! Oh, and at the end, Evie told Lend that he was immortal and got really upset and that’s when she went into the Faerie Paths with Jack and that’s how Jack was revealed to be a psychopath. Okay, and while I did not see Jack’s being a psychopath coming, when uber-vamp crashed the Halloween party, I thought, “Okay, the only way he could’ve gotten out was If Jack let him out.” I just didn’t know or suspect WHY Jack lat him out. Give me the next book! Now, please!

Similar to the American Fairy series which came after this series but is the one I prefer when it comes to half fairy girls being the gates between waring factions while trying to live "normal" lives on Earth.

Review to come I will say this I enjoyed Paranormalcy a lot better, but towards the end it was a little better

*dramatical sigh* I actually don’t know how i feel towards this book. I mean, it would be really unfair if I would’ve give it less than four stars because the concept is such awesome. But, tbh I wasn’t as flashed as I was reading Paranormalcy. However, for information I read the first book of this series 1 ½ years ago, so I definitely forgot many things about. Maybe I should have reread it before starting Supernaturally because I seriously had problems with who was who. Once I was sitting like: OMG, she really died in Paranormalcy?! This probably was the reason why I couldn’t get easily into this book. But apart from this, I really enjoyed reading it. Evie is a adorable main character, even though I could have punched her for some of her decisions, but that’s Evie character, she has to be annoying at some point ;) Lend wasn’t that on the spot and I kinda missed him though. Hopefully we will see more of him in Endlessy. Nevertheless we see a lot more of Arianna or Jack, who was a complete new character. Also, the first half of the book dragged on a bit. Nothing special happened in that part but in the second half I could see a golden thread after all. I am still curious how the story will be continued and the most important thing how will Kiersten end this series. The writing style was probably the best. I love Kiersten White’s amazing and easy-going style. Especially Evies humor was fantastic. All in all it was still a good book. It just couldn’t impress me like Paranormalcy did.