Survivor: A Novel

So clearly his best work, especially after reading several of his newer books recently.

Wonderful book, Palahniuk at his finest.
It's a shame that we never got the slated then canned 'Survivor' film (bc 9/11) - but as someone put it best on Bluesky-
"the reason so many millennials don’t take 9/11 stuff seriously is that we took it deadly, terrifyingly serious when it happened, and then grew up watching the people we trusted to guide us through this serious event instead use it to fuel the most deeply unserious 20 years in american history."
- I wish David Fincher would reproach the film now.

I love Chuck Palahniuk's writing style - it's funny and philosophical. However, his characters tend to annoy me. There is no growth or personal development - just whiny people talking about how we're dying one minute at a time.

So this is a pretty good book. The prose is strong, it finishes off quite nicely, and what it had to say about media and media craze was pretty nice. It had two godtier chapters, the other ones are alright. Personally my biggest two problems are 1) I feel like neither of the characters were fleshed out, but worst off was Adam who was pretty cool actually and 2) the fertility / sex thing didnt really intrigue me tbh. So yeah. It was a nice time with this book I would say. p.s: patd still think they're slick


может быть, это просто игра света и тени, но я съел омара почти целиком и только в самом конце заметил, что у него бьется сердце