God's Law of Attraction: The Believer's Guide to Success and Fulfillment
In her first book, Susan Lee bridges the Law of Attraction with God's plan. Secular teachings of the law of attraction focus only on efforts from within and universe manifestation as the paths to financial freedom and a fulfilled life. God's Law of Attraction demonstrates that Christians too can have life purpose, goals, accomplishment; and yes, financial abundance—without guilt or materialism taking over. In God's Law of Attraction, Susan uses numerous Bible story themes to demonstrate God's genuine interest in providing a rich and fulfilling life for his children. Then, she applies how God's Law of Attraction works in our lives daily—whether we recognize its divine origins or not. Susan's interpretations of the stories result in a series of God-given steps that you can use every day to live your walk with God and enjoy life and its many gifts. Specifically, you will discover how to: Live in true abundance without guilt because God wants you to succeed! Find joy in your relationships again by releasing negative vibrations that have hurt in the past Use the Natural Law God Himself put in place to help us set goals and achieve them Trust in God on a new and exciting level Apply five steps: ask, believe, act, allow and receive to achieve God’s best! “Finally a book that recognizes the law of attraction as God's and provides real world guidance, as well as tools, to assist Christians in asking for and recognizing God's blessings.” — Carol Bills “Made me look at the law of attraction differently. I especially appreciated the tips and strategies for how to carry out the 5 steps (Ask, Believe, Act, Allow, Receive) effectively.” — Anonymous