Real Leadership

Real Leadership Waken To Wisdom

Leaders today are often unconscious and unaware of how their learned fears, egos, and personality flaws adversely affect their effectiveness in dealing with others. Their followers are not engaged, not motivated, and not performing at their best. Leaders need to be authentic, manage from their hearts, be consistent with their beliefs, emanate trust and transparency, and allow their followers to be free to create, share, and excel at what they do best.In REAL Leadership: Waking to Wisdom, Susan Robertson takes readers on a journey from being unconscious and blithely going through the motions of leadership-driven by harmful habits-to an awakening of inner truth, resiliency, engagement, authenticity, and leadership wisdom-REAL leadership.Referencing research and 30 years' worth of experience in leadership consulting and organizational and cultural transformation, Robertson shows why leaders fail, why fear prevents leaders from really fulfilling their potential, and how they can recover through techniques of self-awareness and self-management. She also illustrates the impact leadership has on high- versus low-performing cultures. While there are many books out there on how to manage better, there are few, if any, that talk about changing from within. Robertson addresses the transformative process that helps leaders change their self-image, reframe their minds, awake spiritually, find inner truth and honesty, and achieve a level of transcendence-all critical elements of leadership wisdom.For individual leaders, teams, and organizations, REAL Leadership: Waking to Wisdom is a valuable tool for learning how to change the very nature of our inner being, become conscious, healthy, and well-adjusted, and bring positive energy to everything we do in life. Based on principles such as mutual respect and caring, Robertson's philosophy is a welcome change in management doctrine. It's management for better organizational accomplishment as well as for the greater good of the individual and, by extension, society in general.
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