
Kimberly Burgess @fernweh_and_haven
Howwww was this series so good?!? I know it's middle grade and I don't care, it's adorable. This final one actually had me tearing up. Where's my giant rat friend?? Suzanne Collins writes epic worlds

I love this book. I love this book. I love this book. 100% my favorite one in the whole series I was so sad when it ended I read it like 7 times in a row I could not get enough of it.

juust as expected nothing more. grgor kills bane . But ares got killed in the battle. solvet too. though we disliked solvet in curse of warm bloods, we feel sory for her death.

Brent Nef@n3f
I wish that I knew Collins didn't know how to end a series before I read Mockingjay... If I'd have read this book I would have at least been expecting it.

Sandra De La Cruz@sandradlc

Margaret Stacy@margaretstacy

Eitan Hershkovitz@ehershkovitz

Luca Masters@lkbm

Jackson @jacksongreen

Briar Rose@briarrosereads


Eve Jones@evejones

mary katherine@romaliette

Riley Kerns@rileykerns

Heidi Shelton@sundusty

Minnie Mazuera@pearltheforestcreature


Sydney Henry@sydthesloth

Rebekah Cresap@bekcresap

Ellie Younger@ellierose2000

Emily Joann Bowie@emjoboo32


Maria Bermudez @charlotteheywood

Anya Azrael@anyaazrael
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