Swallow Me Whole

Well... No. I'm sorry but this is all over the place. The artwork is so good. The inks are so well done and in general everything is visually good. And then, the story begins. What I thought was I'd read about a bunch of kids having their own adventures and whatnot. I didn't mind the war part, I love war books and comics. I love everything about history, war, military and whatnot. But no. This was... all over the place, this was confusing as hell, and even the artwork more than once had me questioning who was who like "is this this kid or the other kid, I know that face or am I now seeing this guy for the first time?" and "who's that again?" and all that shit. So yeah, other than that, the story itself is a bunch of kids killing animals and also a bunch of grown ups (the kids all grown up) being soldiers and these two stories are getting in between each other and whatnot. The story is ok at first and then it gets really boring really fast. The whole turtle thing kept it interesting but the outcome was meh... there was no payoff for the story, at least not one that would make me have fun with what I just read. It gets 2 stars because of the artwork alone the more I think about it, because honestly I had fun when I started reading this and I finished it bored as fuck. Sadness.