The Christian's Friend and Instructor

The Christian's Friend and Instructor Christian Magazine Volume 26, 1899 Edition

A Fourfold Exhortation A Gospel Address A Note From an Address A Present Danger An Outline of a Reading on 1 Timothy 2. Appropriation the Way of Enjoyment "Come, Lord Jesus" Consolation Defence From Abounding Corruptions Divine Love Favour and Power "Finally, Brethren, Farewell" From New Birth to Eternal Life God and Ruin Alone; and God Triumphant His Shadow and His Fruit His Steps In Cana of Galilee "In the Midst" Joshua's Commission Love and Light: Their Relation Love's Jewel Mary and Joseph Finding Jesus in the Temple Moral Separation Precedes Actual "My Sake and the Gospel's" New and Old Note on Reconciliation Obtrusiveness and the Kingdom On the Way to Emmaus Our Fellowship Resurrection Joy Revealer of the Father Scripture Note. The Assembly is New Creation The Father's Name "The God of All Comfort" The God of Patience The Gospel The Greatness of the Son The Lamb in Heaven The Lesson of Sorrow The Man of the Old Testament and the Man of the New The Mind of Christ The New Creation The Night of this World and the Morning Star The Path of Faith The Son of Man Lifted Up "Thou Remainest" Thoughts on Romans 8. "Thy Will is Wise and Good" Union With Christ "Very Pitiful, and of Tender Mercy" "Why Weepest Thou?"
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