On the Plus Side

On the Plus Side

Tabatha Vargo2013
Big girls need love, too, but at what cost? Lilly is loaded, not only with money, but with weight. Both things she could do without. But even with her undesired millionaire status, she doesn't hold on to false hopes of finding true love. So when a sexy stranger comes into her life dripping with seduction, she finds it hard to resist. The bigger they are the harder they fall and Lilly falls straight through the floor in love with Mr. Sexy. Too bad he's there for all the wrong reasons. The chance of losing it all will make you do some crazy things and Devin's willing to do whatever it takes to keep his life together. All seems lost when out of nowhere he's approached by a Millionaire Momma with an offer he can't refuse. But even a womanizer like Devin has a heart and when the short, chunky girl with the carefree attitude breaks through his icy façade, he finds that losing everything takes on a whole new meaning. ***Warning: this book contains graphic language, sex, and violence. Mature readers only. Not intended for young adult readers.***
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Photo of Nicki
3 stars
Apr 8, 2022

Most books that you read with plus size heroines usually have the woman trying to lose weight to get the guys and shit. Although Lilly constantly reminded you every time it was told from her view that she was fat, it didn't get overbearing. I really appreciated the fact that he didn't want her to lose weight at all because he enjoyed having her as a size twenty. Devin was kind of self-centered and to be honest, he didn't really have much going for him. He reminded me of a puppy working hard to please his master but it was cute that he devoted himself to her. It was a very cliched book, but isn't every romance novel? I appreciated that it was told from both their perspectives only because you never get to see the male's POV often.

Photo of Karina
Karina @karina_c_z
4 stars
Jul 8, 2023
Photo of Katelyn Broad
Katelyn Broad@katelyneli
4 stars
Mar 21, 2022
Photo of Lisa W.
Lisa W.@babeinlibrary
4 stars
Nov 17, 2021
Photo of Cassandra Paliwoda
Cassandra Paliwoda@asassycassy
2 stars
Nov 9, 2021
Photo of Kinsey
3 stars
Oct 17, 2021
Photo of Bea
3 stars
Sep 28, 2021

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