
At the start of the book I loved how we were inside Juliette's head and she was kinda crazy, but when I finished reading, I realized there wasn't much going on in the book and I was dissapointed. I think, that it's overated a lot.

It took me WAY too long to finish this book, and it’s entirely my fault, I’ve just been so busy lately.
I really enjoyed this, I wasn’t sure at the beginning, not a big romance kind-of-a-gal but this book looks to set the standard for fantasy romances for me.
This book was great but (I don’t know if it’s because I was busy) it didn’t really have me hooked, however I am excited to start the next book in the series.

i just cannot see past the horrible writing. i know it’s meant to convey juliette’s erratic thought process but this just feels like it hasn’t been past the editors’ room. i genuinely ADORE the plot, there’s nothing more i love than dystopian YA! maybe i’ve just outgrown this? maybe i would’ve liked this more when i was 12/13. also juliette is one of the most annoying mc’s i’ve come across.
nevertheless, i enjoy the plotline so much i’ll be reading the rest of the series too, especially since it’s so short and is a easy read overall.

I don’t see what everyone loves about it yet. Why is no one ever talking about Adam and why does everyone love Aron? I’m so confused half of the time and the only good thing so far is that it was short and had an easy reading flow to it. The next book better be better or all of you lied to me lol

dnf.. whats with the writing sjkjssks so lame and tacky

was skeptical and honestly it took me a bit to get through but it's very much worth the read! better than i expected for sure

Definitely Reading the rest of the series

Incredible plot
Fast paced and addictive
Fell in love with the love interests
First 40-60 pages were boring but then picked up
Love the fantasty vibe

took me a bit to get through

The first 200 pages ish it was not rlly eventful and then the last few hundred pages were rlly good

Hat mir sehr gefallen. Ein Buch, das ich mir ziemlich schnell durchgelesen habe. Es hat mir von Anfang an bis zum Ende gefallen & Ich liebe Kenji <3

the first book of this series is quite good and OBVIOUSLY it’s a little slow at the beginning because everything needed to be introduced but after the middle of the book it started to get really good and i always wanted to keep reading cause i was just so curious about what’s going to happen so i’m pretty excited for the other books in the series as well!

the writing is definitely more juvenile than i would prefer but that should be expected.
i’m really enjoying this book but since the end game love interest was spoiled to me by tik tok i’m just so eager to find out how she ends up getting with him and how he’s gonna make up for how he acted cuz damn he kinda crazy i also really like adam so i’m scared for what’s gonna happen with him. also the extensive make out scenes are so funny to me idk.

I've really wanted to read this for the longest time . It was so gooood ! Idk why everyone hates Adam he is the sweetest person ever 😭💗

I’m not really bought into the main character. She’s a little whiny for my taste and seems just as juvenile as I think she is supposed to but it’s hard to listen to a romance about two 17 year olds. Will still finish the series.

Okay, so I understand the hype and I am so excited to join the Shatter Me universe! These are all going to be exciting and I can’t wait! With the first book being a building book I still enjoyed it just as much as any other book. The series is setting up to be entertaining in so many different aspects! I am living the characters so far and can’t wait to see what they do next

I am ashamed with how long it took me to finally start reading this series and so glad I waited for the audiobook to do so!
The pace feels slow as the world building and history is explained, with most of the action happening in a small percentage of the book and only really a flavour of what you would expect from a dystopian fantasy book.
However, within this slow pacing is where the main character is allowed to nourish and grow, fully establishing her back story, her emotions, and desires.
The bulk of this story is romance heavy, but within these pages is built such a strong sexual tension, brought about by the nature of the main characters' powers.
I will be continuing this series through the audiobooks. The narrator was fantastic, in my opinion.

Kind of put me in a reading slump. I would like to get more action, however, the end was pretty good!


This book fucking sucks.

very slow start. kind of confusing at first, but of course got some more answers as the book went on.
i really didn’t know what the book was about or what to expect from this book but it was not this.
i didn’t think i would finish the rest of the series, but the ending fascinated and made me excited so i’m gonna try the 2nd book and see how it is, with no crazy expectations.

i’ve wanted to read this for ages and it everything you want in a dystopian book

I take a deep breath and hope Warner doesn't realire I hope he doesn't know he just touched my leg.
And nothing happened.

"If any of you hurt her I will shoot you myself" Warner barks.
i’m kicking my feet

The bird on his chest. A tattoo. A white bird with streaks of gold like a crown atop its head. It's flying.

I'm choking I'm shaking shuddering splintering into teardrops and he's holding me the way no one has ever held me before.
Like he wants me.
this is making it really hard not to like adam.

"You're wrong." He's glaring at me. There's no other way to describe it. I could almost say he hates me in this moment. Hates me for hating myself.

"Warner is your last name, isn't it?"
He almost smiles. "You want to know my name."
“I didn't realize it was a secret."

"adam," gülmeye çalışıyordum ama boğuk bir hıçkırık boğazımda düğümlendi.
"gözlerini dünyanın her yerinde tanırım ben."

selam.dünya.beni unutacaksın.*

I am a being comprised of letters, a character created by sentences, a figment of imagination formed through fiction.

“I know what your little heart has always longed for. I can give you the acceptance you seek. I can be your friend.”

I feel safe. Confident.
Excited, even.
Because this time?
I’m ready.

“There are others . . . like me?” I can hardly breathe.

“I’ll be good to you,” he whispers. “I’ll be so good to you, Juliette. I promise.”

“You I would kill for pleasure,” he says to Adam. “But Juliette is the one I want forever.”

“I could love you, Juliette—I would treat you like a queen—”

“She can’t touch anyone except for you?.”
A̶n̶d̶ W̶a̶r̶n̶e̶r̶.

I hope he doesn’t know he just touched my leg.
And nothing happened.

“Brilliant, love. I’m thoroughly impressed.”

“You’re absolutely delicious when you’re angry.”

“Why don’t you just kill me?”
“That, my dear, would be a waste.”
“Besides, it’d be a shame to lose such a pretty face.”

I am not insane.

Truth is a jealous, vicious mistress that never ever sleeps, is what I don’t tell him. I’ll never be okay.

"I am not insane"-Juliette
"I am not insane"