
There was a lot too it and I can't wait to read the next one!!! There was sooo much to take in with Warner and Juliette's love story!

Very mixed feelings at start. I felt like the book was starting to not meet my expectations that I had from the previous books. At some point though that changed and it got very intriguing to me. Sometimes I find it kind of childish and then others I feel like it’s really deep. I’ll definitely keep reading this series but I think I’ll have a completed opinion when I finish it.

What an ending 🤯

What the actual fuck just happened

wow, i wasn’t really messing with this book until like the 1/2-3/4s part where it was just like damnnnnn. Something that really irked me about the printing of this book was how many pages it took up to change perspectives like it killed me wanting to read at some points because like why is it taking two pages??? idk it just bothered me not super important just kinda didn’t let me get immersed into the book like the first trilogy did. something else that made it not 5 stars was the lack of character communication/ moments with people who weren’t aaron or kenji (and even then they weren’t as defined as they were before) & i get that it’s a storyline but it sucked because connections within ignite me felt like juliette was growing made the whole her stepping up thing believable and to see it thrown completely out here felt weird and felt like an immediate regression didn’t really make sense like the symbolism if it was that would’ve made more sense if it slowly got cut out yk?? like we only got one scene with the rest of the omega point people that weren’t kenji or castle which doesn’t make sense. really liked nazeera tho she was cool. Besides that character and that weird layout the book was good & the last quarter was amazing.

The beginning half of the book was really slow to get into and I felt like it was going round in circles with Juliette just feeling like she can’t do the job- and then all of a sudden she cuts her hair and gets a whole new personality
The last 10 pages carried this book and the plot twist was a great ending! Also the fact that Adam is just pretty much not mentioned was a huge win for me

The ending!!!


The book was good, I really liked the plot AND THE WAY IT ENDED???!!!! I ran straight to my bookstore and got the next one!!! I don’t know why I ignored this series for so long😭 I’m in love with AARON and KENJI

this book kept me HOOKED!! we finally got to know more about juliette’s past and WOW the drama, the feelings and then the ending like oh my i could not put this one down


this was so good 😭

August 2018 I hate you Tahereh.... Now I have to wait a year..... Fuck everything...... March 2018 Still as good. Still as painful. March 2019 I forgot everything that happened... I'm not even joking.....



whiplash after whiplash at 1 in the morning omfg

.......what. is. this. ending.....? also yes to warner’s pov !!

the 4 year break between has certainly elevated mafi’s writing. while there are still moments that made me cringe out loud (hence the minus one star) the world building has certainly improved, the plot is well thought-out and driven, and the characters certainly make you root for the story.
the cliffhangerrrr… immediately starting the next book ARGHH

damn this was even more disbelievingly crazy than the last one but lil aaron x juliette 😭💗💗😖😖😖 socute i need to see kids warnette interacting like right fucking now. PLEASE. !!!!!

Bro WTF just happened…this end…what’s going on


Honestly, should have seen this twist coming.

I couldn’t put this down

I wonder if she knows I would do anything for her.
oh my god

“aaron always fell in love with her. every time”

“idiots are highly flammable love. let them all burn in hell” - aaron warner

“Hi,” Lena says loudly. False happiness disfigures her smile, morphing it into something cruel. She holds out her hand as she says, “It’s nice to finally meet Warner’s girlfriend.” And then: “Oh, wait—I’m sorry. I meant ex-girlfriend.”
I’m holding my breath as Juliette looks her up and down.
She takes her time, tilting her head as she devours Lena with her eyes and I can see Lena’s offered hand beginning to tire, her open fingers starting to shake.
Juliette seems unimpressed.
“You can call me the supreme commander of North America,” she says.
And then walks away.

“Wait—tell me again why all these sheets are on the floor?”
At that, I pull the pillow away from my face. “Why do you think they’re on the floor?”
A second’s hesitation and then,
“Oh, what—c’mon, man, what the hell.” Kenji jumps off the bed looking disgusted. “Why would you let me sit here?” He stalks off to the other side of the room. “You guys are just—Jesus—that is just not okay—”
“Grow up.”
“I am grown.” He scowls at me. “But Juliette’s like my sister, man, I don’t want to think about that shit—”
“Well, don’t worry,” I say to him, “I’m sure it’ll never happen again.”
“All right, all right, drama queen, calm down. And tell me about this classified business.”

“Those who do not understand you,” I say softly, “will always doubt you.”
She leans back, just an inch. Looks up.
“And I,” I say, “I have never doubted you.”
I shake my head. “Not once.”

“Idiots are highly flammable, love. Let them all burn in hell.”

“Kenji,” I say, only half hearing him, “I’ve just realized I’ve never met any foreign officials before.”
“I know, right? Me neither,” he says, mussing my hair. “But it’ll be okay. You just need to calm down. Anyway, you look cute. You’ll do great.”
I slap his hand away. “I may not know much about being a supreme commander yet, but I do know that I’m not supposed to be cute.”
Just then, the elevator dings open.
“Who says you can’t be cute and kick ass at the same time?” Kenji winks at me. “I do it every day.”

He crosses his arms against his chest, lowers his voice. “And you know, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about this for a while, actually, because I really feel that, as supreme commander, you can’t be showing preferential treatment like this, but clearly—”
Kenji goes suddenly still.
At the creak of the door Kenji’s eyebrows shoot up; a soft click and his eyes widen; a muted rustle of movement and suddenly the barrel of a gun is pressed against the back of his head. Kenji stares at me, his lips making no sound as he mouths the word psychopath over and over again.
The psychopath in question winks at me from where he’s standing, smiling like he couldn’t possibly be holding a gun to the head of our mutual friend. I manage to suppress a laugh.

And I’m here once more.
In the abyss.
Dissolving slowly into the acid of emotion.
-Aaron Warner

The world tried to crush you and you refused to be shattered

“Idiots are highly flammable, love. Let them all burn in hell.”

"I can't breathe," I whisper.
«What do you mean, you can't breathe? Did she shoot you

I can’t breathe," I whisper.-Aaron.W
«What do you mean, you can't breathe? Did she shoot you again?" -Kenji .K

"Oh my God, J, I think I'm in love."
kenji Kishimoto

"Idiots are highly flammable, love. Let them all burn in hell"

I have a great fear of drowning in the ocean of my own silence.

I put a cookie on a plate in front of him just to see what would happen.
and he ate the cookie with a knife and fork

There's a strange Kind of freedom in giving up.
There's a freedom in being angry. In living alone

Loneliness is a strange sort of Things.
It creeps up on you, quiet and still, sits by your side in the dark, strokes your hair as you sleep. It wraps it self around your bones, squeezing so tight you almost can't breathe, almost can't hear the pulse racing in your blood as it rushes up your skin and touches Its lips to the soft hair at the back of your neck. It Leaves lies in your heart, lies next to you at night, Leaves the light out from every corner. Its a constant companion, clasping your Hand only to yank you down when you're struggling to stand up, catching your tears only to force them them down your throat. It scares you simply by standing by your side.
You wake up in the mourning and Wonder who you are. You fail to Fall a sleep at night and tremble in your skin. You doubt you doubt you doubt
Do i
Dont I
Should I
Why won't I
And even when you're read to let go. When you're read to break free. When you're read to be brand-new. Loneliness is an old friend standing by your side in the mirror, lookIng you in the eye, challenging you to live your life without it. You can't find the words to fight your self, to fight the words screamIng that you're not enough never enough never ever enough.
Loneliness is a bitter, wretched companion.
Sometimes it just won't let go.

"You have to get it together,girl or you're not going to get through this Alive."