Unravel me
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Unravel me

Tahereh Mafi2013
"Juliette has escaped to Omega Point, the headquarters of the rebel resistance and a safe haven for people with abilities like hers. She is finally free from The Reestablishment and their plans to use her as a weapon, but Warner, her former captor, won't let her go without a fight."-- Juliette escapes to a safe haven, where she is free from The Reestablishment and their plans to use her as a weapon, but Warner, her former captor, won't let go without a fight. The plot contains profanity and sexual violence. Book #2
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Photo of Mia Lorene Rau
Mia Lorene Rau@lorene
5 stars
Mar 6, 2025

Such an amazing book, well written in my opinion. I was slightly surprised when I found out about Juliette's thing for Warner. Especially his name and that he is brothers with Adam and James. As well as finding out about all their powers. This book has brought me to the brink of tears many times. Such an awesome book. I could not keep my nose out of it!! Love it and definitely recommend!!!

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Photo of Reader Gyal😛
Reader Gyal😛@inevanzanderswetrust
5 stars
Sep 29, 2024

I NEED MORE😛 (brb imma read ignite me now)

Photo of Jasmine Dykes
Jasmine Dykes@jassylovesbooks111
3.5 stars
Sep 17, 2024

It was really good!

Photo of melanie
4 stars
Sep 4, 2024

messy,messy,messy girl. I felt like i was dragged reading the first part but when it gets good IT GETS GOOD so i give it 4 stars for that because even though like it was alright most of the time and mostly like a train wreck it is definitely a train wreck you cannot look away from. Also somebody please tape Adam’s mouth shut and juliette just needs go on a good rant tbh. I did love her but Adam and her just bothered me, like what carried the 1st half was kenji cause those two were just so bothersome together.

Photo of elinabel hidalgo
elinabel hidalgo @cookiejar
3 stars
Aug 3, 2024

gonna tell my kids kenji is their dad 😮‍💨

Photo of ang
ang @angslibraryy
4 stars
Jul 29, 2024

➸ 4.25 stars ꒱ .⋆ i have to be honest, i didn't have lot of expectations about this book because lot of people on tik tok said that this was the worst book of the saga, instead i found it one thousand times better than shatter me. tahereh mafi's writing is something that has always made me curious to try since i've seen one of her books for the first time. i love the way she puts us in juliette mind and we literally know all of her thoughts and other characters' stories by her point of you. i love the erased sentences because this makes the thoughts more realistic. But there's something in shatter me books that i can't stand, and it's the way they end, there's always something that is missing something that you can only find out in the next book but i need to know it now !! give me some more chapters !!! ꒱ .⋆ instead of the first one i've thought that the plot was so much better and finally something is really happening. it's clearly that fkr the first part of the book the most important things were the characters and they made the whole story. for the second part i was so impressed by the way the story went and what our protagonists did and i absolutely adored the drama about the love triangle. but something that shocked me was THE plot twist that made so much sense and i completely approved it !! ꒱ .⋆ as i've already said the characters made the story, and even if i found all of them (not james and warner) annoying in the first book, in this one i've liked them all. kenji literally had his best time in this book (not really but whatever) he was just amazing and i loved the jokes he made and his charisma. he was perfect and his personality is something that i think all men should have but well fine. i loved his story and the way he was so sweet and a little angel when he was young and i do really really need to know more about him. adam, i don't really know what to think about him tbh, i liked him in the first part but then he just became so annoying and insisted and omg leave her ! if she told you something you have to respect her decision because it's also you. it's not that hard to understand omg. warner, missed him for the first part of the book and completely loved him for the whole second part, his character is so necessary fkr the story and the plot but it doesn't get annoying or anything is such a pleasure to read about him, and know more about his story, his boyhood, his childhood and how was his life before he became the best 19-year-old ever. juliette, i hate to be serious, she annoyed me sometimes, but i can understand her, i totally get her but you know sometimes it's just to much, but during the last chapters she became more stronger and less weak so i can't wait to read about her in ignite me! james, i don't known how to tell you but i wish all kids were like him, like he is so sweet and nice and such an angel boy i love him ! ꒱ .⋆ with all the description of the omega point we also have some relationships that really captured my attention . james & kenji lovely boys, they really found each other, they are like brothers and i love the way they are so close and they were so sweet, i need to read more about thei new brotherhood that just born !! adam & aaron, they are two sides of the same coin, and their differences and their egalities were so understandable and so interesting to read. juliette, sonya & sara, finally some female friendship i do really want to read more about them in the next books !! ꒱ .⋆ there are some of my favorite quotes ( they will might be spoilers ) “ Because I might be the only person who could ever understand him ” “ Loneliness is an old friend standing beside you in the mirror, looking you in the eye, challenging you to live without it ” “ Warner as a child. Warner as a son. Warner as a boy who has only a limited graps of his own life. Warner with a father who would teach him a lesson by killing the one thing he'd ever be willing to beg for ” “ ‘I love it when you say my name ’ ‘Your name is Aaron.’ ‘God, I love that.’ ‘Your name?’ ‘Only when you say it’ ” “ I don't want you to call me Warner anymore. I want you to know me, I don't want to be Warner with you, I want it to be different now. I want you to call me Aaron ” 💓💓💓💓💓 JULIETTE AND AARON 💓💓💓💓💓💓 and i'm not gonna tell you anything else if not two words: chapter sixty-two

Photo of nany
4 stars
Jul 23, 2024

every day more in love with warner

Photo of Sarah
4 stars
Jul 22, 2024

I really loved this book it’s a good build up and discovery of new powers but could’ve been better in my opinion. And I cannot shut up about AARONNNNNN🫠🫠🫠🫠

Photo of Holly Lake
Holly Lake@holly9
3.5 stars
Jul 19, 2024

This book was a lot better than the first, it was a bit slow in the beginning but it definitely picked up in the last section

I’ve got to admit I really am starting to hate on the FMC Juliette, she’s so whiny and mopey- the details she hides from omega point and Adam are just silly and I can’t like her currently

Saying that I also really don’t like Adam, the pair are both just so whiny it’s ridiculous, Kenni and Aaron are the only two carrying this series currently

Photo of vvnmigde
1 star
Jul 17, 2024

shitty ass book

Photo of micki
4 stars
Jul 5, 2024

definitely very slow at the beginning but DAMN it got so good, picking up the third book asap

Photo of prawnie
3 stars
Jul 1, 2024

someone please tell aaron warner that i am single and will marry him if he asks me too. not gonna lie aaron and kenji and the only reason i am still reading

Photo of Anjorin Molayo
Anjorin Molayo @bookishtems
5 stars
Jun 1, 2024

I wanted to give this 4 stars, but that chapter 62? changed everything 😭😭. I love Warnerrrrrr!

Photo of Citrose
4 stars
Jun 1, 2024

Honestly I forgot most of the things that happened in this book, exacpt for Warner. At most points I was like "Wait wut? That happened. How did I forget that. Wtf O_O"

Photo of 🌕🌖🌗🌘🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕
4 stars
May 30, 2024

The things Juliette says could be relatable feel very comforting to people. For example things that have to do with touching could be translated as intimacy issues and I think a lot of people can relate to that. I enjoyed the book and I’m excited to read the next! Also I almost died at the “please don’t shoot me for this”

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Photo of Ellie M.
Ellie M.@arthieshelved
4 stars
May 5, 2024

I devoured this book because I literally could not stop reading it. The build-up of the plot is nice and I’ve easily gotten used to the really fast-paced, short chapters writing style. I’m starting to see why everyone is obsessed with this world and the characters because Warner’s dimples made me want to jump off the plane lmfao. I’m hooked and I’ll likely finish this series faster than I expect to.

Photo of Hanna Rybchynska
Hanna Rybchynska@hannarbc
3 stars
May 3, 2024

A classic distopian YA. Nothing special tbh about this book. I don't like the romance, I don't like the love triangle (such a YA classic)... The plot is actually a circle, goes nowhere. As always our main character is more interested in boys than anything else, which is not shocking, just a fact. Giving 2,5 stars because I like the world and the concept. Minus 2 stars for word repetition ("I blink blink blink") and I can not read more about boys eyes! God, how many times I need to know that they are green?! AND minus 0.5 for predictible plot and love triangle. However I believe girls between 13 to 18 may like this book.

Photo of Chloé
4 stars
Apr 30, 2024

I aint reading fracture me... i dont care about that mans pov. Warner is a babe. Juliette is a queen. Castle kinda annoyed me.

Photo of Monicap
3 stars
Apr 29, 2024

Having the read the whole trilogy, I pronounce this second installment as the weakest. The first couple chapters were bland, the next thirty or so were impressive, but then the book delved into a melodramatic storyline, all the while insisting to me that this was very serious stuff and I should definitely not be laughing or making little barf noises at it. The more melodramatic the story became, and the more MAfi tried to play it straight, the more little barf noises I made in my mouth. The only way to play storylines like the ones introduced in this novel straight, is by NOT PLAYING THEM STRAIGHT. Otherwise, don't attempt it. After all, not every abusive father has to be (view spoiler)[a megalomaniacal psychopath hell-bent on world domination (hide spoiler)] and not every arch-rival of Boyfriend has to be (view spoiler)[his long-lost brother who's also hell-bent on world domination (hide spoiler)] You know, sometimes things just be what they appear to be, and if you're not prepared to laugh at yourself just a little bit while coming up with ridiculous storylines, maybe you should just let things be what they appear to be.

Photo of kait
4 stars
Apr 14, 2024

i feel like this started slower than i would have liked BUT once it got going it really got going so i absolutely loved this and i cannot wait to finally read the next one

Photo of buny
5 stars
Apr 5, 2024

the only blond man who has my entire fucking heart ㅜㅜ i dont want to hear a single bad word abt aaron actually and if you say anything remotely bad about him, im gonna fucking come for you!!!! (SOOOOOOOO. im guessing this is what's called major character development. i still have no feelings abt adam but kenji kishimoto ❤️3❤️ hes my dude now)

Photo of Julia
4 stars
Mar 30, 2024

** spoiler alert ** Anyways Kenji is the best character since he literally told Juliette to stfu and stop acting like a sensitive little bitch. 🔥🔥

Photo of lea.
4 stars
Mar 23, 2024

i need to get the third book. pronto!

Photo of Sidney Schaffner
Sidney Schaffner@sidschaff
5 stars
Mar 10, 2024

Honestly the beginning of this book was ✨slow✨. I love Warner. He’s so unhinged.


Photo of Alexandra

This planet is a broken bone that didn't set right, a hundred pieces of crystal glued together. We've been shattered and reconstructed, told to make an effort every single day to pretend we still function the way we're supposed to. But it's a lie, it's all a lie. I do not function properly. I am nothing more than the consequence of catastrophe.

Photo of Jess (the og)
Jess (the og)@jesszzxx

‘Only those who cannot express themselves intelligently would resort to such crude substitutions in vocabulary’

-Aaron Warner

Page 356
Photo of Leen

“the truth is a painful reminder of why i prefer to live among the lies”

Photo of Leen

“i want to be the friend you fall hopelessly in love with” - aaron warner

Photo of Leen
  • “and i realize i don’t want to be his enemy anymore” - juliette ferrars

Photo of Leen
  • “just because i’m going to hell doesn’t mean you’ll ever deserve her” - aaron warner

Photo of Leen
  • “i am so tired love. i’m so very very tired” - aaron warner

Photo of Sarah sou
Sarah sou@book_worm223

“It’s always ‘shut up Kenji’ ‘Go to sleep Kenji’ ‘no one wants to see you naked Kenji’. When I know, for a matter of fact that there are thousands of people who would love to see me naked”

Page 40


Photo of Tuleen Joudeh
Tuleen Joudeh@tuleenjo

How much do you weigh?”

“Wow. Is that how you talk to every girl you meet? That explains so much.”

“I’m about one hundred seventy-five pounds,” he says. “Of muscle.”

  • - kenji


Photo of Tuleen Joudeh
Tuleen Joudeh@tuleenjo

What the hell is this? You guys playing footsie under the table or someshit?”


Photo of Tuleen Joudeh
Tuleen Joudeh@tuleenjo

Kenji is one of the only people here—with the exception of Adam, of course—who isn’t afraid to touch me.

Photo of Tuleen Joudeh
Tuleen Joudeh@tuleenjo

“Oh my God,” I mouth, eyes closed, shaking my head. “You are insane.”

  • -Juliette

He falls to his knees. “Insane for your sweet, sweet love!”


Page 31


Photo of Tuleen Joudeh
Tuleen Joudeh@tuleenjo

He’s come to fight.

For me.


Page 13

damn right he is

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Photo of Sarah sou
Sarah sou@book_worm223

He takes a deep breath. Looks down. Whispers,”I’m so tired,love.I’m so very, very tired.”

Page 277

Me too Aaron me too🥺😩

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Photo of tinica

“I thought you could love me for me,” he says. “I thought you would be the one person in this godforsaken world who would accept me as I am! I thought you, of all people, would understand.” His face is right in front of mine when he says, “I was wrong. I was so horribly, horribly wrong.”

aaand my heart is broken now. thanks.

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Photo of tinica

His eyes shift down to my lips and back again. His gaze is heavy, hungry, weighed down by emotion I never thought him capable of. I never thought he could be so full, so human, so real. But it’s there. It’s right there. Raw, written across his face like it’s been ripped out of his chest.

He’s handing me his heart.

crying throwing up

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Photo of tinica

He’s kissing me like the world is rolling right off a cliff, like he’s trying to hang on and he’s decided to hold on to me, like he’s starving for life and love and he’s never known it could ever feel this good to be close to someone. Like it’s the first time he’s ever felt anything but hunger and he doesn’t know how to pace himself, doesn’t know how to eat in small bites, doesn’t know how to do anything anything anything in moderation.

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Photo of tinica

I want him to kiss me until I collapse in his arms, until I’ve left my bones behind and floated up into a new space that is entirely our own.

No words.

Just his lips.


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Photo of tinica

The taste of him is making me crazy; he’s all heat and desire and peppermint and I want more.

Photo of tinica

And he leans in, so carefully. Breathing and not breathing and hearts beating between us and he’s so close, he’s so close and I can’t feel my legs anymore. I can’t feel my fingers or the cold or the emptiness of this room because all I feel is him, everywhere, filling everything and he whispers


He says “Please don’t shoot me for this.”

And he kisses me.


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Photo of tinica


I can’t understand why I can still hear him speaking because I’m dead, I’m already dead, I’ve died over and over and over again

He swallows, hard, his chest heaving, his words a breathless, shaky whisper when he says “I’m so—I’m so desperately in love with you—”

on my knees for him

Photo of tinica

“I want to feel your skin on fire. I want to feel your heart racing next to mine and I want to know it’s racing because of me, because you want me. Because you never,” he says, he breathes, “never want me to stop. I want every second. Every inch of you. I want all of it.”

And I drop dead, all over the floor.

girl I would drop dead too ffs

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Photo of tinica

“I want to be the friend you fall hopelessly in love with. The one you take into your arms and into your bed and into the private world you keep trapped in your head. I want to be that kind of friend,” he says. “The one who will memorize the things you say as well as the shape of your lips when you say them. I want to know every curve, every freckle, every shiver of your body, Juliette—”

“No,” I gasp. “Don’t—don’t s-say that—”

I don’t know what I’ll do if he keeps talking I don’t know what I’ll do and I don’t trust myself

“I want to know where to touch you,” he says. “I want to know how to touch you. I want to know how to convince you to design a smile just for me.” I feel his chest rising, falling, up and down and up and down and “Yes,” he says. “I do want to be your friend.” He says “I want to be your best friend in the entire world.”

I can’t think.

I can’t breathe

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Photo of tinica

“Juliette,” he says, and he mouths the name, barely speaking at all, and he’s pouring molten lava into my limbs and I never even knew I could melt straight to death.

“I want you,” he says. He says “I want all of you. I want you inside and out and catching your breath and aching for me like I ache for you.” He says it like it’s a lit cigarette lodged in his throat, like he wants to dip me in warm honey and he says “It’s never been a secret. I’ve never tried to hide that from you. I’ve never pretended I wanted anything less.”

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