Heart of the Shin Buddhist Path

Heart of the Shin Buddhist Path A Life of Awakening

In his Heart of the Shin Buddhist Path Takamaro Shigaraki examines Shin Buddhism anew as a practical path of spiritual growth and self transformation, challenging assessments of the tradition as a passive religion of mere faith. Shigaraki presents the core themes of the Shin Buddhist path—nembutsu, shinjin, and jinen—in fresh, engaging, down-to-earth language, considering each frankly from both secular and religious perspectives. Much attention is devoted to rational examination of the religious ideas of faith and salvation with an eye toward finding, in what are traditionally perceived as passive ideals, a foundation for positive ethical action and meaning in life. Shigaraki discloses a nondual Pure-Land that finds philosophical kinship with Zen, but has been little discussed in the West. With its unassuming language and insights drawn from a life of practice, Heart dispels the fog of misconception that has shrouded Western appreciation of Shin traditions, to reveal the limitless light of Amida Buddha that reaches all.
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