Take a Hint, Dani Brown


So this book definitely took me by surprise not only in the manner I completely inhaled the entirety of it. Picked it up, had no recollection of why I had added it to the library in the first place, but it somehow felt right for the moment and right it was! Already a fifth in, I noticed that it unfortunately was the second part of a series but for the enjoyment of this book alone it didn’t have a negative effect for me at all.
I enjoyed watching Danika grow into her emotions tremendously, as she’s such a fierce and strong woman and just had to learn to allow others to take care of her as well, sometimes. Zaf, with his kind, kind heart and the lessons he learned from his past, but still more applies to his trainees than to himself, also needed Dani so much – watching them grow together in more sense than one was simply so heartwarming.
This book also made me cry more times than I wanted to count – because it was so beautifully written and also had some really heartfelt passages on grief and the journey after loss.
Safe to say, I devoured this book and onto the “Comfort Book” shelf it goes for me. This is a recommendation I’ll gladly dish out to everyone loving romances, as it’s so genuine and cute and comforting and simply a really good read.


This was everything. I love Zaf and Dani with all my heart. Will eventually write a better review but this is it for now. Just go read it!!

3.5. Very enjoyable romance, better than the first in series.


5/5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Zaf IS Roy Kent! A former-rugby-star grump, but secretly a softie. Adorable friendship with his niece. Need I say more? I loved this book, I wasn’t a huge fan of GALCB, it was good don’t get me wrong but I didn’t LOoOoOoVE it. Turns out I’m a sucker for grumpy-sunshine fake-dating so naturally this one was FIVE stars. Follow for more: https://www.instagram.com/p/CdJF4DNLF...

★★★ // cute and sexy. maybe a little too horny for my taste. but i enjoyed it a lot in a way that i feel happy when two people really try to make a relationship work and when they choose to open up to love despite a lot of hesitations. — “He and Danika had broken clean in half this morning, but nothing about her was ruined, either. Because the world wasn't split into unhappy endings and happily ever afters. There were blessings everywhere and a thousand shades of joy all around him. Every shade should be savored.” “I’m sorry. For hurting you. And for resisting love so hard I almost didn’t notice everything I felt for you.” “I don’t ever want to hurt you to protect myself. I want to be brave.” 🥹

4.5 stars


i really liked this book, the characters are so well written and relatable in my opinion, and i loveee dani and zaf they are so sweet to each other aaaahhh
at firts i dnf'd this book, because there was a third act breakup and im just so tired of them, why not just make a book 35 pages shorter instead?
but today i decided to pick it back up again and just push trough it and im so glad i did bc the epilogue was soooooooooo adorable

oh to be desired and simped for like a brown sister in a Talia Hibbert book. I specifically talking about Zafir. Dani Brown, you are one lucky women. I'm serious. If by any chance you don't want him, pass him this way cuz i'm obsessed. Personally, my favourite book within the series, even though Eve and Jacob are a very close runners up. Loved the book. 5/5 and will be re-reading for the rest of my life.

might have liked this one better than chloe because fake dating is just that good of a trope

love her writing, love every character, chloe is still better

Danika (Dani) is a career-focused PHD canditate with Tenure Professor firmly in her goal sites. She is also allergic to romance and committment. Zafir (Zaf) is a retired professional rugby player working as a security guard on campus for his day job. One day, Dani gets stuck in an elevator in an emergency evacuation drill and Zaf carries her out like a storybook hero. A student takes phone video and it goes viral on social media. They agree to keep up appearances as fake dating #couplegoals to get publicity for Zafir's charity, teaching young boys that is it healthy to play sports and be open with their emotions. After his own experiences, he is passionate about promoting good mental health and combating toxic masculinity in sports.
This is part of the Brown Sisters series by this author. They do not need to be read in order. I loved the first one and this is just as good. There are discussions about grief, anxiety, mental health, and lots of family vibes. The banter is top tier and this is so much fun. There is a little bit of steam which I enjoyed, but there are not a lot of steamy scenes. Can't wait to finish this series. Such great character dynamics and a fun, breazy writing style.

Did I read this in 1 and a half day? Yes. How I missed the Brown sisters. Last year, Chloe gave me romance, and now Dani gave me all the spiiiiceeee. However, this book tackles (see what I did there?) important matters like accepting feelings and learning the healthy way to deal with them.

Where can I buy a Zaf?

dear talia hibbert, thank you so very much

The only thing I didn't like about this was the third-act break-up, typical of romance novels.
Other than that, Dani and Zaf are such a cute, comforting couple. They have chemistry, distinct personalities, and representation. I love them, too.

This was just an okay romance for me. I'm not the biggest fan of the tropes in this especially the "I only do sex I don't believe in relationships or love blah blah". Not a fan at allll. Talia Hibbert knows how to write a romcom though, she's truly slaying!! I knew there was no way this was going to live up to Chloe Brown, I just related to Chloe sooooo hard and that aspect was missing in this novel. Also. Delete the pet name "sweetheart" FOREVER. Especially during sex like c'mon. PUKE.

did i love it as much as get a life, chloe brown? no. but does it still deserve five stars? abso-fucking-lutely I knew before i even started this that i was going to love it,, and i was right. this was a freaking delight like all of talia hibbert's books this was so effortlessly hilarious, the scenes, the writing and the banter between the characters ESPECIALLY THE BANTER. i swear the amount of times i laughed out loud is unreal. While reading get a life chloe brown, i loved the relationship between the three sisters so much,, and this just increased that. their relationship is so supportive and teasing and is just everything!! also the crumbs we got of red and chloe made me go aaaaaaaaaaaa every time. I NEED MORE RED AND CHLOE CONTENT IDC. zafir's family is also so great??? I LOVE THEM. nothing makes me want to cry more than sweet and supportive families and they both have the absolute best ones. Dani as a character is so freaking amazing??? we stan a woman who loves and focuses on her work. she is a badass who takes shit from no one and also the sweetest sweetheart on the planet. Zafir probably deserves the title of the second sweetest sweetheart on the plant,,, im not kidding they're both so freaking sweet you can't help but love them. they're also so sassy?? their banter is the best thing ever and every conversation made me grin so hard!! also they serve friends to fake dating to friends with benefits to lovers,,, NO ONE ELSE HAS THE RANGE. okay but back to zafir, he's literally a grump with a heart of gold WHO READS ROMANCE NOVELS,, he also has a charity to help young rugby players deal with their emotions,,, i mean name a more perfect man. let me also say that the way this book handled grief and anxiety was so good!!! (view spoiler)[danika being the one to make the grand gesture makes me so emotional???? that's so in character for them and thinking about it makes me wanna cry and im probably not making any sense BUT I JUST LOVE THEM SO MUCH. AND THE BOOKS IN THE EPILOGUE??? I LOVE THEM (hide spoiler)] im not usually a person who needs trigger warnings but talia hibbert putting them in the beginning of her book??? WE STAN

Buddy read with my lovely Fatoom!!!

(4.5/5) Where can I get my own Zafir. Seriously. This man is WHIPPED and I loved to adore Dani through his eyes so much. This was SO CUTE. Again, the way Talia Hibbert treats trauma and grief is just fantastic; many books deal with these subjects in a way that makes it seem as if they're trying to glorify it, but she does such a good job at showing the consequences of trauma and the path to healing. I wish some of the characters could've been more understanding of Dani's reticence to relationships because of her past, but I still feel like it was pretty well depicted. I love these two with my whole heart wtf I csnt believe they got me giggling like a schoolgirl throughout the entirety of the book

She was surrounded by her sisters and her best friend, and it felt like being wrapped up in a blanket as soft as clouds and strong as armor. This was love, and a part of her had always known that if she shared her darkest thoughts with these women, she'd receive such love instantly. Maybe she'd held off because deep down, she hadn't thought she deserved it.

A family. A broken one, true, but broken didn't mean ruined. He and Danika had broken clean in half this morning, but nothing about her was ruined, either. Because the world wasn't split into unhappy endings and happily ever agtets. There were blessings everywhere and a thousand shades of joy around him.
Every shade should be savored.

"Major or minor, if something keeps you human when pressure makes you feel like a volcano, hold on to that thing by whatever means necessary."

"Hurdles were made to be jumped, glass ceilings were made to be smashed."

He knew, once and for all, that he loved her. So hard and so hopelessly that he couldn't deny it, couldn't fight it, couldn't hide from it for another fucking second.

"No. But I've been thinking about this for a long fucking time.” Her breath hitched in her throat, and she pulled back slightly. “How long?” "Long enough," he said, low and rough, "that I've thought of a thousand ways to kiss you. So let me.”

Or perhaps it was because Zaf lit up with passion as he spoke, and the gentle glow she'd always | been drawn to now burned from his gaze like the sun.

"I was just thinking, Zaf, that … you're brave. Most people, when something scars us, we hide it. When you started Tackle It, you framed a scar in gold. Don't you think?”

"No," Dani agreed. "But no one can be fine all the time. So we'll stay here while you're busy being not-fine, and we won't move until you're done, and that's okay.”

“Tomorrow, then," he said softly. "Have dinner with your sisters. And give me tomorrow." He wouldn't waste it

“Tell me what it is you want from me, Danika. Explain it to me. Slow."

He was laughing when the phone rang, her name lighting up the screen. asle pre

"What if.." He hesitated, then pushed on, fast and firm. "What if we let people think we're together?"

"What are you doing, Danika?" "Being beautiful for my people." He let out a burst of laughter. "I wish I could carry you around all the time. You do wonders for my mood."
Zaf is so cute already

“Let me guess. You sprang all the emotional stuff on her before she was ready, she reacted badly, and now you’re moping around like someone peed in your cereal.”
This is my favorite saying now

"She turned to him and murmured, “I think I ate your muffin today.” He laughed, still slightly breathless. Then he nudged her in the ribs, a familiar tease that soothed the awkward tension in her belly. “Good. That was for you, you dork.”
Something I'd say lol

“So maybe that’s it. Maybe you don’t think someone who looks at you the way I do should care about every part of you. Maybe, before, you stumbled across people who only wanted bits and pieces of you. Never the whole package. Never enough.”
Tell herrr

“People harp on about compatibility for a reason. If you value family and work, you just need someone who feels the same way, someone who admires that about you. If you can’t do the sappy shit, you just have to find someone who’s okay with that. Someone who understands how awkward you are—” “I beg your pardon?” He ignored her. “—and loves it. I know you have a busy life, but you make room for the stuff that matters.

“Try to look more like yourself and less like seven guilty toddlers standing on each other’s shoulders in a security uniform.”
Just great lol