Talking Cock A Celebration of Man and His Manhood
"It has been known by many different names to many different people- knob, dick, schmuck, tool, percy, John Thomas, the bald headed mouse, the yoghurt-spitting sausage, the sperm javelin, the sentimental teaser, the crimson butterfly... It inspires lust, fear, awe and laughter. And yet, it is an object of shame and when engorged, indecency. it can be a pound of flesh or an ounce of winkles. it can be used to express both love and hate. It can create life. It can condemn us to death... And it can do wees as well. How can one little flap of sponge and sinew be all these things? You will be surprised how little you know about the skin chimney, because although men may constantly brag and exaggerate about their little chap, they rarely talk about their feelings for it. At last Richard Herring, reveals the truth about man and his manhood in the 21st century.