Taming Demons for Beginners

Annette Marie has been on my TBR list for well over a year. I was so thankful to finally get my hands on one of her books after being taunted by rave reviews all of the place. The hype isn't wrong, Taming Demons for Beginners was everything I'd hoped for and more. I love the flow of the book, Robins anxiety & frustrations are easy to relate to. It was so easy to be engulfed into her story while we follower journey in navigating a world she never thought she'd be apart of. I love her weak, unknowing start. There is no instant badass in this story, thank goodness. I look forward to watching her character arc grow over the coming books. The relationship between her and the demon is quirky yet terrifying. This is a typical urban fantasy, where there are some aspects of the story that are kind of hand waved or set so the plot can move forward to keep things simple. I.E. Easy, fun read. Two things that bothered me but I'm thinking probably shouldn't have were 1. how did her parents die. She is only 20, and her commentary made it feel like it was normal car accident death but the lack of reason makes me wonder if there was foul play, especially if her uncle knew they had what he wanted. I went back thinking I missed it, but idk, if someone knows this help me out ha. 2. Why was her uncle the executor over the will? I realize this is a must for the whole story to happen, but her parents knew what they had, and it is noted they are smart people, so wouldn't they have put fail safes for something like this? Maybe this will be answered in future books, but I kept circling back to why they weren't answered while I read.

не, ну ужасно прям. уровень подросткового фанфика, ноль работы с миром, с персонажами, с бэкстори. вообще не понимаю, как женщина, написавшая red winter, может теперь писать такое

Robin was raised to stay away from magic. Now that she lives with her uncle that has a demon in the library, apparently that's no longer possible. This was a fast read. I enjoyed it. I like this type of book between epic fantasies because there's not a lot to process. It's just a fast, fun read. I plan to continue the series.

Highkey considering abandoning the rest of my TBR for the month in order to binge this series This was So Much Fun! I can’t believe this doesn’t have more hype around it. I don’t even know how to articulate my thoughts here, so I’ll just leave this there but like WOW! I think if you liked the characters in Margaret Rogerson’s Sorcery of Thorns, you would like this one!