

Notorious playboy Norris Converse is getting hit from all sides. A no-strings physical relationship has become a passionate love he never expected, and an ex-lover, who's leaving the country for six months, divulges he has a fifteen-year-old daughter she thinks it's time he got to know. Faced with the prospect of parenting an almost adult biracial daughter and being in love for the first time, Norris wants to settle down and have the domestic bliss his best friend enjoys. But the woman he loves, business savvy salon owner Dahlia Sinclair, is in no rush to be an 'us', and his newly found daughter isn't thrilled with making room for daddy. Being in constant contact while they engage in the unconventional co-parenting of his daughter, Norris and Dahlia are forced to deal with their personal insecurities as they confront the unlike- ly love that's left them both blindsided.
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