Show of Honor
A JUNIPER RIDGE HOLIDAY NOVELLA I always hoped I’d see her again after she rocked my world last Christmas. I never thought she’d have my baby in her arms. I also didn’t see myself dressed as a deranged bear the first time I held my daughter, or even that I’d have a daughter. Navy SEAL life isn’t great for fatherhood, but seeing Jessie with Joy hits me like a happy holiday thunderbolt. Jessie’s not sure she trusts me, and who can blame her? Maybe if we’d swapped more than ten words before falling into bed that snowy night, we wouldn’t be strangers. But I can’t regret our fling, just like I can’t ditch a military career I’ve spent my whole life wanting. But maybe there’s something I want more. Jessie. A bond with our baby and heaps of happy, mixed-up holiday memories we’re making as we bond over giftwrap gaffes, sexy dreidel games, and kisses hot enough to melt mistletoe. I just need to prove we belong together, preferably before one of us hops a flight and gets gone for good.

Sarah Kessler@pdxskigirl