Social Media for Writers

Social Media for Writers Marketing Strategies for Building Your Audience and Selling Books

Maximize the Potential of Your Online Brand! Over the past decade, social media has transformed from a fad into a necessity for writers. But for the inexperienced author, trying to make sense of--much less master--the available platforms can be a frustrating experience. The variety of social media options alone is dizzying enough: WordPress, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, and more. That's where this guide comes in. Whether you're just starting to create an audience or looking to refine your online presence, Social Media for Writers will equip you with the essential tools you'll need to succeed. In this book you'll learn how to: • Develop an editorial calendar: schedule consistent, quality content for your blog and work with other authors on guest posts and blog tours • Create an online brand: write content for several different networks, and tie them together to develop an authoritative, trusted voice • Utilize "best practices": learn the ins-and-outs of the online community and how to maximize the potential of each platform • Build a community: make connections and create a fan base to endorse your work You'll also find appendixes that show you how to set up the major social media platforms and perform basic functions. With all of these strategies, techniques, and applicable information, Social Media for Writers is a comprehensive source for all your social media needs!
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