Ten Tiny Breaths A Novel

fight song by rachel platten (kacey's song)

This book had been recommended to me by many of my coworkers. So, I decided to finally pick it up. This book was a very quick read. It dealt with a lot of heavy issues and also had a romance. The main character, Kacey, had been through an extremely tragic experience and she is trying to cope with it while going about her day-to-day life. She is a fireball and tough as nails. I also loved her younger sister, Livie. I found the characters to be flawed and relatable. They are living life with the hands they were dealt. I did have a few issues with this book though. In certain aspects it was predictable. But, it was still an enjoyable read. I find that with New Adult books, they tend to pull me out of reading slumps. They are kind of like my guilty pleasure read. Overall, this was a good book and I will probably continue on with the series.

This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review.
Ten Tiny Breaths is the 1st book in the "Ten Tiny Breaths" series. This is a book that I have been meaning to get to and I went into this one not knowing what I was getting into. I had no clue what this one was even about, it was more a blind reading of it. I just knew the author and that so many fellow readers really enjoyed this one. This story is NOT what I expected. I don't know if its the covers or what, but I actually thought this was romantic suspense, and yeah thats not this. But its still dang good. Its definitely just contemporary/new adult. The new adult aspects are lighter, other than the ages of the characters, thats the only new adult aspect. They aren't in a college setting or anything and the way in which is written is much more mature.
Kacey, when she was a teenager, was in a car accident where she lost her parents and her boyfriend at the time. Now its been four years later, she has physically recovered, but emotionally and mentally she is barely keeping the anger and unresolved PTSD issues at bay. When her sister ends up being at risk by a family member, Kacey takes her sister and heads to Florida for a fresh start. Kacey meets her neightbors, and starts a new job but what she doesn't expect is to find herself wanting to open herself up to a neighbor in her building, who has such a presence about him that allows her to want to free herself of the burdens she has. But they both have dark pasts and secrets and when everything comes to light....will they be strong enough to get through it and find their way to their HEA...
My Outlook
Ten Tiny Breaths was such a superb read and honestly its been a long time since I had such an emotional intense reaction to. This book literally had me crying buckets of tears. Now that isn't a negative aspect at all. I really do love a story that will make me 'ugly cry' because especially when I least expect it, its so cathartic at times too. I really want to be careful in what I share in this review because I also don't want to spoil some aspects of the story that was so intense. But what really worked for me is the romance between the characters. There is such a strong presence of a deep connection between them. The hero is such a mix and I think I would best categorize him as a alphamellow or alpha cinnamon roll. He isn't a straight out alpha male, because he has such a soft center for the heroine and I just adore the way he is with her. He is so patient and he just gets her in a way that most people don't. This heroine is PRICKLY! She does have good reason to be so prickly though, you really see the realities of PTSD and my heart just ached for these characters and what they both go through. I am not sure if I want to read the novella (if you have read the series, let me know what the novella is like).
Overall View
Ten Tiny Breaths is an incredibly crafted romance that just delivers on the deep emotion and riveting writing that strikes to the heart of the reader!

{Re-Read in February 2016} {Review written in June 2014} THE THINGS...THIS BOOK HAS DONE TO ME! ...The things! Oh my gawd! This book broke me. Temporarily. And then it put me back together until I was shiny and new again. Maybe I was blind to see the MASSIVE plot twist, but....DAMN! K. A. Tucker, you sure can write! I can't seem to recall the last time I was so surprised, and so shocked, while reading a novel. My jaw dropped, my heart stopped; I was definitely surprised God, I'm pretty sorry that I put off reading this book for so long, considering the author is a fellow Torontonian ;) Sixteen year old Kacey Cleary's life would never be the same again, not after her car was hit by a drunk driver, killing her parents, boyfriend and best friend. Enduring therapy, years of recovery, and losing her inheritance, she decides to take her younger sister, Livie, out of her aunt and uncle's house and moves out to Miami. At first they struggle to survive, but if Kacey has anything, it's the determination to provide for her and her sister. Eventually, they make friends with their neighbours who slowly become like family. The one person Kacey can't keep her mind off of is her mysterious, sexy neighbour in apartment 1D, Trent Emerson. There's this mutual attraction that neither of them can deny and soon they become inseparable. But Trent is hiding something; a deep dark secret he doesn't want Kacey to know about because he knows when she finds out, it could mean the end of everything. Just know, that from one reader to another, this book is literally going to BLOW. YOUR. BRAINS. OUT. It certainly blew my brains out. Obviously I'm too stupid to figure out the major plot twist (also given the fact I didn't read the summary before reading the book), but seriously, my mind....was so....broken towards the end, I really couldn't function after that plot twist. Don't get me wrong, there are signs, there are obvious CLEAR SIGNS, I just....wasn't paying as much attention as I thought I was. But man, if you want to read anything that'll make your heart stop, it's definitely this book! Ten Tiny Breaths has it all. It has pain, love, recovery, friendship, even forgiveness. It's one of those books readers can become fully immersed in and get lost with the story. In a way it is a bit of an 'ideal world' where everyone is nice and everyone knows each other, but this is fiction people! Kacey Cleary is one serious cookie. If she was a real person I hardly know if I'd be able to be her friend. She hides so much because she has to be strong and mature, to take care of her younger sister and to give her the life she deserves. Although she's determined to be in denial, there's no doubt that Kacey is a strong independent woman, who'll do whatever it takes to protect the people she loves. At least until you add Trent Emerson into the mix. Trent is.....AN INTERESTING CHARACTER. I loved him at first, though I found him EXTREMELY UNREALISTIC. Right from the get go he was in love with Kacey. He watched her, he visited her at work, he was always around. As romantic as that is, it's also a bit creepy. Maybe just...A TAD creepy. Trent, I found to be, extremely mysterious, pretty much everything about him was mysterious... Despite that I still fell for him.... at times. What you want, what I think any woman would want, is for a man to love her, all her pain, all her faults, and to help her carry that baggage. We're burdened as it is with the weight we have to carry. In the end, it's so much easier having someone else help you carry your burden while you help them carry theirs. Trent loved Kacey and he didn't push her. He became her rock, the comfort she needed, and she became his. But....that only lasted so long. It's hard not to fall in love with the characters and the story, getting attached to Kacey, Livie, Storm and Mia. But I can't stress the massive plot twist that had my heart stopping and my eyes bulging from their sockets. Ten Tiny Breaths will captivate you until the very end. And then you'll stop for a minute, close your eyes and take ten tiny breaths of your own, before letting it all sink in. 5/5 Hearts of Love

This is the most beautiful story, I ever read. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. If you haven't read this before, than read it. It made me think of a lot of serious things. I'm in love with this story.

Definitely a good read. There was one twist to the story that I guessed right. Can't wait for the next book in the series to come out.

Spoil Free Review: Going into Ten Tiny Breaths I really had no idea what to expect. The synopsis is perfect as not really giving too much away. What I got was a emotional, intense read with love, betrayal, mystery with a lot of twist and turns that I could not put it down. K.A. Tucker has a beautiful writing voice and is a master story teller who has a new fan. K.A. Tucker did a amazing job at bringing all characters to life with different personalities. The heroine Kacey is broken but is not the wimpy type to back down from anybody. Before her accident she was the sweet, fun loving Kacey. After her accident she became the smart mouth do not let any one in. Considering what she went through who would not be. "Sorry, can you specify - what qualifies as an orgy in the State of Florida? Are threesomes okay? What if blow-ups are involved, 'cause you know..." Mostly in novels it is the hero who is swoon worthy. Who go above and beyond for someone they love. I found Kasey a swoon worthy heroine as she took her sister Livie away from a terrible household to give her a better life. Kacey puts her life on hold to make sure her sister lives a good life. Livie and Kacey journey to a new life was very touching, sad and felt so real. Livie is the only one that knows the real Kacey and does everything in her power to make the wall Kacey has built around her come down and of course with help of Trent. Now Trent I did not fall in love with his character right away. That is not a bad thing it is just that he was a bit mysterious in the beginning. Nicely paced through out the novel I fell more in love with him He is your tattoo-biker riding, alpha male hero who will do anything to protect her and break down her wall she has built around her. He is obsessed in making her happy. "I want to make you smile. For real. Always. We're going to go for dinners, and see movies, and walk on the beach. We'll go hang gliding, or bungee jumping, or what ever you want to do. What ever makes you smile and laugh more." His fingers toy with my bottom lip. "Let me make you smile." The sexual tension is hot and nicely done through out that leaves for a hot fan your self read. They do have their ups and downs. Wow when they have down moments is tears me apart but when they have their good moments I can not help but get all giddy. "I don't hate you. I could never hate you. Give me your heart, Kacey. I'll take everything that comes with it." The secondary characters add so much to the story and never take away from Kacey and Trent's story. There is the female stripper, sexy strip joint owner, crazy shrink (I mean that in a good way) and Kacey sister Livie. I loved Livie the most but still there is so much more to her I want to know. Since this is Kacey story and we see how she deals with her parents death I am curious to know how it really effects Livie. Thank goodness her story is up next. Not only perfect story but the cover is beautiful. Ten Tiny Breaths has layers that are nicely peal away. Loved that K.A. did not bombard readers all at once with Kacey accident. Readers learn what really happened little by little through flash backs that fit in perfectly with the story. I highly recommend Ten Tiny Breaths if looking for a superb New Adult read that has romance with many twist and turns. Ten Tiny Breaths series is now one of my favorites. After reading Ten Tiny Breaths had to buy Ten Tiny Lies ASAP. Do not worry Ten Tiny Breath does not end in a cliffhanger just that I fell in love with K.A. writing style and story telling I needed more. And to my surprise her other series Causal Enchantment book 1 Anathema is Free on Amazon. Of course I had to get that as well. Look forward to reading more novels by K.A. Tucker. ARC provided by publisher, Atria Books at Netgalley for an honest review. Originally posted at Wickedly Delicious Book Blog

I'm going to start off by saying that this book exceeded my expectations. I was hooked by the first page and love that it doesn't ease you into Kacey's world, you're just there. I love the characters. Kacey, Storm, Livie and Trent were all wonderful characters and so much fun to read about. There were some twists and turns-even though I anticipated the ending, I still enjoyed watching it play out. The author has a way of making you believe that you are there with the characters, feeling what they feel. It's heartbreaking and healing all at once. This book was great!

I liked it but not as much as burying water. I think I just feel a little let down because BW was sooo good and then this fell a little flat. Wasn't horrible though, I'll continue to read her books.

Just finished! and the only thing I have to say is WHY THE HELL DIDN'T I READ THIS BEFORE? I've had it on my kindle for months! I love my two "crazies", Trent and Kacey! Such a good book!

Más como un 3.75 , me entretuvo y me gustaron los personajes. Tuve algunos problemas con ciertos puntos y el "piloto twist" lo descubrí desde un principio.

This has been on my Kindle forever! But seeing folks reviewing K.A. Tucker's latest release made me think maybe I need to get reading some of the many books she has out. I am glad I finally did. I admit, this is an angsty ass read and I saw the major twist coming a mile off. Like a third of the way in I totally called it which either means it was kind of predictable or I've read enough in the genre to expect these kinds of things to happen. I didn't mind though because I was still totally absorbed in reading. Kacey was a tough nut and she had so many issues and definitely needed help for her many issues but it was understandable. The girl had been through hell and back and she hadn't had it easy. Moving to Miami with her younger sister and starting again was hard, especially when she had a bunch of stuff she wasn't willing to talk about. I was there with her sister cheering her on to make progress and grow to be a more stable person. I loved she was sarcastic and had a hard shell around her but it was nice seeing her softer caring side with friends and family. I admit, I rolled my eyes at the love interest, Trent. He was too perfect and Kacey fell for him so fast so I was worried for her, but he was quite sweet and definitely had his 'aw' moments even if I did also want to kick his dumb ass. I loved the secondary characters in this book, though, like Cain, Nate, Storm, Tanner, etc. They all made this book so great and I really want to know more about every one of them because they really made this story great. I did find the ending way too convenient (when is it not in romance) but I'm glad that it was a good ending and I enjoyed it. I will be continuing with the series (when I have time) and hopefully, it's just as enjoyable.

Read more of my reviews at Secrets of Lost Words. Rating: A He cranes his neck to look up at me while still hunched over. "If you're not interested in me, just tell me. You don't have to ruin me for all women." "I'm more about action than words." I'm glad he's making jokes, but I still wince. I drop to a crouch in front of Trent and ask in a low voice, "Are you okay? Seriously?" "Yeah, I'll live. And by live, I mean curl up in a fetal position on my couch with a bag of ice on my nuts for the rest of the night." I have no idea why I waited so long to read this. It completely blew me away. This was such a great contemporary that as I went along with the story, I was feeling what the characters were feeling. I had an emotional breakdown. Kacey is broken. After her parents, her boyfriend, and her best friend all died, she became a completely different person. She toughened up and decided not to be the Old Kacey anymore. Her past added another dimension to her character. The book even labeled all the stages. It labelled all the stages toward her recovery and her journey to be her own person again and bring her wall down. Trent was an amazing character as well and I can see how he fell for Kacey and really loved her. There was a big plot twist in the book that I never saw coming. When it happened, I was just like, *wait a few seconds* oh shit. That was my reaction. It was just so surprising! I never even imagine that would happen! I must not spoil for you guys but if you read this, prepare yourselves. I think this book really showed recovery and forgiveness. It showed that it's okay to live your life even though your loved ones are gone. It also showed that love stays strong through trials and forgiveness. I feel like forgiveness and recovery are both big themes for this story and I feel like the author has shown both of them well. How can I describe Ten Tiny Breaths? It's an absolutely amazing read that had me sobbing and feeling and looking for all those deep hidden meanings. Read it. You won't be disappointed :) P. S. I just had to share that quote with y'all. You probably don't know what happened there but basically, Kacey was practicing her boxing with Trent but she accidentally kicked him in the nuts lol

So I saw the plottwist coming for ages, but that didn't make me like this book less :)

Kacey Cleary’s life was shattered four years ago when she lost her parents, boyfriend and best friend in a car accident. Now she just wants to move on and care for her younger sister. Kasey can handle anything, or so she thinks until she meets her neighbour Trent. Kacey doesn’t want to feel, Trent has a secret that would shatter Kacey’s life all over again. What starts off as your typical romance, this novel is anything but. Kacey has never dealt with what happened and now she’ll have to if she wants to feel again. There is nothing that I didn’t love about this book. The romance between Kacey and Trent was swoon-worthy, Kacey and Livie’s relationship was up and down like a typical sibling relationship but you could see how much they loved each other and how they just wanted the best for each other. While there was a definite wot moment when the twist was revealed I still loved every second of this book. I also cried while reading this, and I rarely cry when reading so I need to get my hands on my own copies of this series ASAP.

So my second KA Tucker outing has not gone as well as I hoped. Ten Tiny Breaths follows Kacey, who lost her parents, best friend and boyfriend in a horrific car accident four years ago. Now with her younger sister Livie, they make their escape from their Aunt and Uncle’s house and go to Miami to live by the beach. Kacey hasn’t thought about romance in years but perhaps the handsome stranger in 1D can change all that.... Sounds awesome. Sounds like a great book with strong female characters and a guy who can swoop in and save the day. NOT AT ALL. This book had so many issues and problems and cringey moments and I honestly nearly threw it out of the window at the end. That ending. Urgh. Awful awful awful. So disappointed.

** spoiler alert ** I like the book but not so sure about the ending. I think I would have liked it better if kacey moved on and left Trent in the past. It just doesn't seem too real that that would happen. Even though she forgave him I don't think I could put past the stalking and weird stuff he did. But I am looking forward to the next couple of books. Can't wait to read about levie's life

Read My Review on Totally Bookalicious: http://totally-bookalicious.blogspot....

Twenty year old Kasey and her fifteen year old sister Livie try to start a new life in Miami after a drunken driving accident kills their family and their guardian tries to molest Livie. Finding a home in a shabby apartment complex, Kasey and Livie try to make ends meet and barely scrape by. Luckily the Barbie wannabe who lives next door has a heart of gold and gets Kasey a job tending bar at Penny's, a local strip joint. Kasey is a tough gal who tries to cope with her severe PTSD (she was in the car when the drunk driver hit) by kick boxing, cracking jokes, but thankfully not with random sex or alcohol anymore. But, the sex part may change after she meets hottie next door Trent after an embarrasing encounter in the laundry room. Trent however, may not be as good for Kasey as he seems to be. I liked a lot of parts of this, but ALL of the tension in this book between Kasey and Trent was based on omission and lies. Boo. Just talk to one another people! The ending also wrapped up way to prettily for me and came way to quick after Kasey has a severe psychological break.

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads . "Ten tiny breaths... Seize them. Feel them. Love them." Kacey Cleary is broken. You would be too if your mom, dad, best friend, and boyfriend had all been ripped from your lives in a horrible accident. An accident you survived. Barely. To make matters worse, living with her aunt and uncle isn't all it's cracked up to be. They're both scum. Her uncle is the kind of scum who would climb into a teenage girl's bed in the middle of the night. Kacey escapes with her younger sister, Livie, and begins to build a new life in Miami. "He's like ripe watermelon after a lifetime of thirst. He's like air after years under water. He's like life." Enter Trent Emerson, her new next door neighbor. Trent is gorgeous and distracting and Kacey is beginning to feel things she has no desire to feel again. It's not long before Trent becomes the person Kacey can rely on. He's there for her no matter what she needs. Kacey didn't intend to get close to anyone when she moved to Miami, but suddenly she finds herself not only with Trent, but with a whole host of new friends – family, almost – in Storm, Dan and Mia. Each character is amazing in their own way. Each of them won my heart. "Give me your heart, Kacey. I'll take everything that comes with it." This book took me, flipped me around, made me laugh, made me cry, made me feel all the feels. And then some. It was beautifully written. I totally guessed the "huge twist" that occurred about 3/4 of the way through the book. It still absolutely stole my breath away though. It broke my heart more than just a little bit, too. Though I figured it out, it devastated me. The characters, even the secondary ones, were well-developed and complex. I was totally wrapped-up in all their stories and couldn't wait to read more about them. Thankfully we get an opportunity to read more about these wonderful characters through the follow-up novels. That's the thing about K.A. Tucker's writing. It makes me fall in love, promptly breaks me and then puts me back together. Her characters are incredible and real and broken and complex. None of them are perfect, but who is? "I feel happiness. Happiness that Trent is here. Longing. Longing to feel him against my skin again, his arms protecting me, his mouth on mine. Love. Whatever happened between us, it was real. I know it was real. And I love him for letting me experience that. Hope. Hope that something beautiful may come from this tragic story. Fear. Fear that it won't. Forgiveness... forgiveness." If you're a fan of stories of redemption, second chances, finding oneself and true love, do yourself a favor and read Ten Tiny Breaths. I would recommend also having some tissues on hand when you do. I know I needed them... and some wine. Then you'll want to purchase One Tiny Lie and Four Seconds to Lose. This is one of my all-time favorite new adult contemporary series. I can't get enough of these books. "Forever's not long enough when it's with you."

I really liked this one. I like K.A Tucker’s writing. I really liked have a tough heroine. I loved her sister. I’m sure some people weren’t sure about Trent but I really liked him. I think his way of handling grief was wrong, but he would do anything to make her happy. I can’t wait for her sisters book. I loved the side story with Storm and Mia. I’m glad we got to see her wedding at the end. Can’t wait to read the rest of this series.

Audiobook Review: So I have this obsessive habit of not reading the synopsis before I read a book. I read it at first, see if I’m interested, then add the book to my TBR pile and I never look back. I like going into a book with as little knowledge as possible. I also try to avoid all reviews of the book within a month or so of reading it myself as well, since reviews sometimes give more away than I’d prefer. So with this one, because I was so excited about it, I steered clear of all reviews and the synopsis, and even waited a bit past its release date so I could go in knowing absolutely nothing. I’m so happy I did. Going into this story knowing literally nothing was perfect. Ten Tiny Breaths is breathtaking, no matter how clique that may sound. There were times in this story when I literally sucked in a breath and held it. It was emotional, it was touching, and it was shocking. There were a couple twists (one really BIG one) that wholeheartedly caught me off-guard and left me gasping. This story involved quite a bit about the grieving process and learning how to grow after a tragic event. The chapters were each titled after a stage of the grieving process, which I thought was a perfect addition to the story. This story carried with it a strong message that most will feel and learn from. I felt the process right along with Kacey. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… this story packs a punch! The characters… Oh. My. GAWD! This set of characters was one of my very favorite set of book characters, ever. From Kacey and Livie, such a strong and powerful sister team, to Storm and Mia, (probably may favorite people in this whole story!) to the crazy landlord and creepy neighbor, right down to Trent. They were each unique, passionate and strong. This is my first audio narrated by Elizabeth Louise, and I instantly became a huge fan. She was amazing. She portrayed each character beautifully and made the story even more real that it otherwise would have been had I been reading it myself. I can’t say enough how much I loved and recommend this book. I’ve totally jumped over the recommend fence and I’m quickly approaching on pushing territory. Especially the audio. I’ve suggested recommended insisted several people read this story already, and I have no plans of stopping any time soon. And although I have this on audio and the galley on my Kindle, I think I also need to purchase a copy for my shelf. I’m a bit nervous to read One Tiny Lie, Livie’s story, since I loved this one so much. I think I need to take a short break before jumping into it. But trust me, I WILL be reading One Tiny Lie in the very near future. Find this review and others like it at Lost in Literature!


Also posted at Booklovers For Life Wow, this book was an emotional roller coaster. I had no idea what to expect, but what I got, I highly enjoyed. Ten Tiny Breaths is a book about loss, grief, depression, but most of all, forgiveness and love. It’s about how even in the darkest times of your life, you can still find yourself worthy of love, and you can find things worth living for. “Just breathe. Ten tiny breaths … Seize them. Feel them. Love them.” Kacey, despite being a very aggressive and anti-social person, was still a likable character. I admired her strength and her love for her sister. She went through such pain after the accident that killed her parents, best friend, and boyfriend that my heart broke her. I couldn’t even begin to imagine the heartache, pain, suffering, and scars that came along with losing almost every single person Kacey loved. It was horrifying and heartbreaking to feel alongside Kacey her despair and desolation. Her flashback to the accident was one of the most heart-wrenching scenes of the book. But of course there had to be even more heart-wrenching scenes later in the book! It’s not enough that Kacey’s whole world is ripped in half, it had to be ripped apart again. And can I just say, K.A. Tucker does an incredible job of conveying all of Kacey’s emotional turmoil. After the life-altering accident, Kacey hardens her heart. She cares for no one but her little sister Livie, and she makes it so that everything good she does, she does for Livie. But then a friendly neighbor, her adorable daughter, and a special boy come along to make her rethink about her life, and make her believe that it’s okay to care for herself again. To love herself again. “I want to make you smile. For real. Always. We’re going to go for dinners, and see movies, and walk on the beach. We’ll go hang-gliding, or bungee jumping, or whatever you want to do. Whatever makes you smile and laugh more. Let me make you smile.” Trent is one of the sweetest book boys I’ve ever read. He cares so much for Kacey, and he sees the pain beneath the tough exterior she puts on. He wants to make her feel happy again, to feel cherished and loved. I fell a little bit in love with this boy, with his charm, sweetness, and sexiness. Because oh my goodness, Trent can be very sexy when he wants to be (which is pretty much all time time with Kacey ;) ). Kacey slowly falls in love with him, and it gives her hope for a brighter future, one that includes Trent in it. And so she goes through the stages of grief, with Trent helping her heal along the way. Throughout the book, I got the feeling that something HUGE was going to happen. Because life seemed to turn out too well for Kacey, and well, I was basically waiting for the other shoe to drop. And holy shit, does it drop. I won’t put any spoilers, but K.A. Tucker gives us little hints and clues that relate to the insane plot twist, and I had figured out some of it, but damn. It was so shocking and unbelievable and crazy that I had no idea how to feel about it. This is mostly why I can’t give the full rating, because the twist just completely threw me off. Nonetheless, Ten Tiny Breaths is such an emotional, heartfelt book. You are swooning one moment over Trent, and the next, you’re shocked and dreading what devastating thing will happen next for Kacey. It’s not an easy book to read, but for those who like books that make their emotions go all over the place, Ten Tiny Breaths is the perfect read. Liked this review? Subscribe to Booklovers For Life for more!