I Am Watching You

Sucked. Useless cliffhangers at the end of every chapter, every literary device used is so transparent, characters are flat and lifeless, reveals are lackluster. I felt nothing reading this book. Two stars because at least it was a quick and easy read, so I didn't waste too much time on it.

This was a very fun read. I’ve never had so many theories going though my head when reading a book and the ending throws a real curveball. There are many red herrings that are so fun to look back at and see how they were set up. It did feel a bit dry at the beginning and was hard to get through at times, but once it got going it really amped up into action and was fun to red.

I didn't like the ending.

Enjoyed the twist at the end but i found the first 3/4 of the book could be slow at times

Meh. I finished it with interest so there's something to be said for that but it was still meh. All I could say was that it was readable. Except for the first chapter, nothing is new or shocking. The writing goes off in places. I began to seriously question the author's writing of male characters especially Matthew. Even Ella is a bit too much sometimes. The only person who is okay was Sarah and her jealousy of Anna, her guilt over her disappearance. All that being said, if you have Kindle unlimited and (like me) are going crazy in these times, this book isn't such a bad idea. It took my mind off things. Stay safe and keep up your mental health!

Two Stars A brief synopsis: After spotting a couple girls hitting it off with a couple guys on a train a woman begins to eavesdrop on tbe conversation. After overhearing the guys are fresh out of prison she becomes concerned for the girls safety. This concern is only multiplied when one of the girls us reported missing the following day My review: I was not at all a fan of this book. I like that you could read from every characters point of view and I like that there is also a mystery narrator. The story itself was just boring to me. I didn't like the twists and I didnt like the characters themselves. I wouldn't recommend it

This has been on my to read list for the longest time and I finally got around to reading it and wow! So much misdirection and suspense. I enjoyed it.

The premise was interesting, but the execution was only ok. It dragged on a bit for me and I found myself losing interest pretty steadily all the way until the end.

This book, I Am Watching You, takes place in the modern times in England. We follow several characters point of views throughout the story. Our main character is Ella, a mother who happens to be on a train to London going to a convention, on the same train we have two teenage girls, Sarah and Anna. The two girls are going to the city for the first time by themselves. Two men come on the train and turns out they are straight out of prison, this perks up Ella's maternal instincts, she feels like she should say something but at the same time she does not feel like it is her place to say something. The next day, Anna is reported as missing and then our story follows the lives of all the characters throughout this time. I Am Watching You, is the first thriller I have ever read and I will definitely will be picking up more. This book had so many twists and turns that I did not know what would happen next. I will be honest that I did predict some of the things that would happen. The ending is what left me shocked the most. I don't know how I really feel about it, I think it came out of nowhere and would be the only reason I would give this book a four out of five rather than a five stars. I just remembered something else that I wanted to add. I wish we would have seen more characters reactions to the ending of the story, I think that would have been an interesting bit to the ending and would have made me liked the ending more.

What’s the point of a mystery/thriller with no bread crumbs strewn about for the reader to follow? This book had a very anticlimactic reveal that left me asking, “That’s it??”

SOMEONE did SOMETHING to Anna. After reading it, I know who. Was there a logical explanation to WHY? No. Do I understand the motive? There wasn't one. Did it makes sense WHO that someone was? No. If Hansel and Gretel had to follow this crumb trail to get home, the wouldn't have gotten two more steps before spinning in circles and somehow teleporting to Narnia. That's now much this didn't make sense to who the "culprit" was. Read it if you want a headache ending, but the rest till then was okay.