
Saturnastra Ahi:

PrefaceThis is the only book I have made an official second part. Originally, I wanted to make Ahi another stand alone book. I then decided to add more to his story. It is in the second half of the book that Ahi really takes to traveling. He ends up visiting two different continent. It is in this book that I showcase the scale of the world. During his journey, Ahi meets new people and dragons. I expand the draconic lore and I add a couple of new flavors into the mix. So, if you like dragons, this second half of the book is going to be more to your liking. I also go into details about the other types of creatures that call this world their home. Aside from dragons, I also added a couple of demons into the mix. As for the front cover, I painted it. It features the two personas of Ahi. There is a Ahi the tiny human looking fellow, and Ahi the giant Space Dragon. The thing he is standing on is the Titan moon. At the moment, it does not have its usual golden covering. The floor is the world of Saturn. I wanted to use the moon in order to serve as a scale for Ahi. I hope you find this fantasy story quite entertaining.IntroductionThis is the second part of the book Ahi. It is the only book of the series that is a true sequel. I am not the type of fellow that likes to write about the same person all the time. Once a character runs its course, I move onto the next fellow. This was not the case with my little Ahi. By now, you may already guess that Ahi does not think the way most people do. As the humans in my book put it, Ahi is a professional madman. I was not trying to make a point on that matter. Rather, I was showing draconic behavior being displayed by someone who looks human. If he was in his dragon form, his behavior would be pretty normal. Ahi was also not put in that world to make life for people easy. He is his own man and he will do whatever he pleases. It is a good thing for the humans that he has a good heart. He would never hurt anyone on purpose. Aside from acting like a dragon, Ahi eats like one. In his human form, it tends to throw people off. People tend to get freaked out when they see him eating a solid piece of lumber, or a silver crown. His human form only has the shape of a human. Inside, he is 100 percent draconic, as far as his metabolism is concerned. Ahi does end up having something of a romantic interest. Still, his idea of romance is not what most people think. It will become obvious when you get to that point. Since Ahi will get married in this book, his family makes a brief cameo for the wedding. More stuff happens, and there is even a couple of one sided battles if you are into violence. Mainly, the book is just a strange tale as far as the fantasy genre is concerned. Stay tune for the thrilling conclusion of Ahi's adventures in the world of Saturnastra.
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