Guards! Guards!
Some night-time prowler is turning the (mostly) honest citizens of Ankh-Morpork into something resembling small charcoal biscuits. And that's a real problem for Captain Vimes, who must tramp the mean streets of the naked city looking for a 70-foot-long fire-breathing dragon which, he believes, can help him with his enquiries. But there's more - now we get to see Ankh-Morpork in all its glory; illustrations so vibrant you can practically smell and taste the denizens of this delightful city (although with Corporal Nobbs, you might rather wish you didn't have to). All rendered in painstaking detail by Graham Higgins (who feels he now knows altogether far too much about the murky goings on inside Nobbs' head).
Sarah Sammis@pussreboots
Marc Emmanuel@sheepfromheaven
Sade A@bitterblue
Ryan LaFerney@ryantlaferney
Amani Zaha@amanizaha
Kirsten Simkiss@vermidian
Allie Herrington@rrstar
Dave Walker@bibliosaurusrex
Scott Wilks@nullnova
Liv Rockwell@lvrock13
Olivera Mitić@olyschka
Eilidh @thenocturnalreader
Vitali Avagyan@vitali87
Bryan Alexander@bryanalexander
Luke Mitchell@interrobang
Ben Myers@bendmyers
Ben Myers@bendmyers
Ben Cardy@benbacardi
Can Saydam@swoote
Rebecca Lysaght@hattails