The Naga's Journey

The Naga's Journey A Novel

Tew Bunnag2007
Set in modern-day Bangkok, The Naga's Journey chronicles the unlikely friendship of three people from disparate backgrounds, thrown together by a dramatic event at the cremation of a notorious public figure. The consequence of their response sets in motion their relationship and reveals a past, connected to the dead man, which each of them has tried to avoid confronting. Throughout the novel lurks the dark presence of the Naga, the unpredictable and powerful element of water, potentially both nurturing and destructive. The tale reaches its climax when Bangkok, a city degenerating morally as well as physically, is threatened by a massive flood, an event that ends in tragedy and catharsis for the three friends. The tale's ultimate message of hope and reconciliation will be an inspiration for all who embark on The Naga's Journey .
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