The 4-Hour Body An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman

I like self-experimenters - they risk themselves to give knowledge to, potentially, billions - but the one thing they must have is a sense of the limits of their findings. This is a hodgepodge of extreme, nominally scientific Pareto "lifehacks" for: rapid weight-loss, lazy bodybuilding, polyphasic sleep blah, regeneration from chronic injury, DIY female orgasm therapy. His conspicuous consumption of medical attention is risible ("Just $3800 four times a year for this battery of vanity tests!"); as is his name-dropping as self-promotion. Ferriss has a... creative grasp of biochemistry, and his brute lack of self-doubt lets him be productively provocative (e.g. "I do not accept the Lipid Hypothesis of cardiac disease"; "DO NOT EAT FRUIT"). He quotes heavily from experts, and he does do everything he advocates. The main advantage of him is that he is fearless about ridicule, actually following what he sees as the evidence. Thus there's a long section on the bodybuilding potential of vegetarian diets - which got him lots of scorn from the meathead-o-sphere - as well as an idiosyncratic list of the substrates that vegists are often missing. (Boron, anyone?) He's pretty fixated on testosterone and infertility. I initially scoffed at his fear of phones irradiating his testicles - but there actually is reason to think so. Not your average loud guru pseud.

This was an amazing book. Very insightful and informative. Tim never fails to put in as much data as your brain can handle. He’s very thorough and yet does not bore you, even with a lot of scientific data. If you want results, read a Tim Ferriss book!