Rob Smith
The Artificial Superintelligence Handbook

The Artificial Superintelligence Handbook

Rob Smith2017
So you want to build an artificial super intelligence or a machine that is smarter than a human. To do so you will need to understand some very complex concepts in math and coding and find something from deep within yourself called innovation. If you are already designing and building an AI, then this book will help broaden the scope of your work by raising ideas and questions that you can draw on to drive toward the singularity. Taken from beyond the cutting edge of development, past the bleed edge and just beyond the life support edge, these dispatches from the trenches of advance artificial general intelligence design are sure to inspire your AI evolution. Innovation is a word that is often spoken but rarely implemented these days. It means thinking outside the box of the status quo. Not just making simple evolutionary progressions but massive jumps in thinking that lead to spectacular change. Guys like Steve Jobs and Hal Finney and even Bill Gates are innovators. Most other notable tech billionaires pale in comparison as they simply evolved the use of existing technology with very little in the way of true innovation. That is not to say that the world isn't full of innovators and great new ideas. It is. They are everywhere and most often they need to battle through a thick underbrush of stagnant dogma to earn the credentials necessary to receive the funding for their grand ideas. Many are simply too poor to receive the gift of acceptance to the Ivy League and therein a free pass to the world of Silicon Valley. That doesn't stop them. Today around the world are millions of glowing screens full of new code and software architectural ideas that can and will one day revolutionize the world. The nice thing about our time is that whatever you create online will outlive you forever. The other nice thing about the world is that one day someone may find what you leave behind and be inspired to create something life saving and earth changing. That is what this book is. It is an arc of inspiration for future generations of builders and dreamers who think outside the AI box, those who do not fear the rampart of old tech dogma and who do not fear all those that would seek to control and own all innovation or who steadfastly remain stuck in the primordial glue of the status quo. It is an arc for AI rebels.This text is for the dreamers and innovators and those who seek to live past the life support edge of technology development. I hope to inspire at least one of the millions of future Steve Jobs who sit behind those glowing screens in basements or bedrooms or small offices all around the world to dream beyond today and create a different future for our earth and our universe.So strap in a couple more brain cells and some Red Bull because some of these concepts may hurt the cranium a bit.....but remember...thinking and learning is a good pain and nothing in this writing is so complex that you cannot understand it with a few tries. The following is a series of articles on Artificial Intelligence, Artificial General Intelligence and Artificial Super Intelligence designs and architectures from beyond the life support edge of AI development that seek to build the foundation necessary to achieve the 'singularity' or the point where an artificial super intelligence achieves intellectual parity with the human mind.Enjoy and be inspired.
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