The Atlas Six

The Atlas Six

Olivie Blake2020
The Alexandrian Society, caretakers of lost knowledge from the greatest civilizations of antiquity, are the foremost secret society of magical academicians in the world. Those who earn a place among the Alexandrians will secure a life of wealth, power, and prestige beyond their wildest dreams, and each decade, only the six most uniquely talented magicians are selected to be considered for initiation. Enter the latest round of six: Libby Rhodes and Nico de Varona, unwilling halves of an unfathomable whole, who exert uncanny control over every element of physicality. Reina Mori, a naturalist, who can intuit the language of life itself. Parisa Kamali, a telepath who can traverse the depths of the subconscious, navigating worlds inside the human mind. Callum Nova, an empath easily mistaken for a manipulative illusionist, who can influence the intimate workings of a person's inner self. Finally, there is Tristan Caine, who can see through illusions to a new structure of reality-an ability so rare that neither he nor his peers can fully grasp its implications. When the candidates are recruited by the mysterious Atlas Blakely, they are told they will have one year to qualify for initiation, during which time they will be permitted preliminary access to the Society's archives and judged based on their contributions to various subjects of impossibility: time and space, luck and thought, life and death. Five, they are told, will be initiated. One will be eliminated. The six potential initiates will fight to survive the next year of their lives, and if they can prove themselves to be the best among their rivals, most of them will.Most of them.
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Photo of Barbara
2.5 stars
Jan 2, 2025

Not really in the mood to read the second book. There are some good ideas and a few twists but where has the world building gone? In the second book? Too late…and too long when the 6 characters are too much alike (24/7 bad temper, arrogant, predictable) and so stereotypical. Apart from Gedeon and maybe Ezra, I was not so much intrigued.

I don’t mind unpleasant characters but I wish they were developed.

That said, I will read another book from O.Blake, probably a standalone this time.

Photo of Eimear O'Connor
Eimear O'Connor @eimear
2 stars
Dec 31, 2024

I didn’t really like this at all. Felt that this was a bad execution of what could have been a really great story. The characters are starting to grow on me but I didn’t enjoy the story enough to keep reading. Wish I enjoyed this

Photo of Amelia Hruby
Amelia Hruby@ameliajo
4.5 stars
Nov 29, 2024

I really loved the complexity of this world and how the dark academia power dissection revolved around the power of knowledge. Lots of interesting applications of epistemic injustice, and all in an enjoyable fantasy novel!

Photo of Chase Leitner
Chase Leitner@chase_leitner21
4.5 stars
Oct 14, 2024

Dope magical power system. Could do without the seductive character art at the start of chapters.

Photo of felicity hu
felicity hu@feli77
2 stars
Aug 7, 2024

nah bc why did i read a book-long trailer

Photo of jus
4 stars
Jul 30, 2024

i am very much confused and excited,,, i feel strange. but in a good way. i loved the book so much all the gay little characters running around in this gay little world

Photo of Tove Söderberg
Tove Söderberg@tlsouthmountain
1 star
Jul 22, 2024

Was considering pushing myself to finish it, but in the end it just didn't feel worth it. Intriguing back blurb but the execution of the idea/ story just isn't there. In the end I decided to DNF it because it felt like it was holding me back from books I have in my "to be read"- pile that I'm just a lit more intrigued by. Might revisit it (probably not though).

Photo of Eva Ströberg
Eva Ströberg@cphbirdlady
1 star
Jul 19, 2024

This book bore me to pieces. The back story is interesting, the execution is rubbish. What is it with YA books with made-up names? Reminds me of Indonesian parents in the 90s giving their kids ridiculous names. The characters were dulls, the story was unclear, yeah the whole Alexandrian society is interesting, but they kept it from the audience all the time and in the end I just gave up. I did finish the book, with a lot of pain

Photo of Jen
4 stars
Jun 21, 2024

nicogideon my loves

Photo of Heather Margaret
Heather Margaret@heatherdarling
5 stars
Jun 9, 2024

well, add another book with magic that I am sucked into and can’t wait for more.

Photo of Christine
2.5 stars
Jun 7, 2024

I thought i would like this book and i really wanted to but unfortunately it wasn’t that good. The ending was intriguing enough to make me start the next one though.

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04
3.5 stars
Jun 1, 2024

Very interesting but I feel like I still didn’t completely understood the whole world they are living in

Photo of Moonchild
5 stars
May 31, 2024

Perfect, perfect, perfect I really thought the dark academia vibe wasn’t for me but, this was absolutely amazing. The ambience the different perspectives of each characters. An amazing writing and vivid descriptions, I felt like I was there with them I need to read the second one

Photo of a
2 stars
May 21, 2024

Was struggling to finish this book and i really really want to like it, but i dont. Nevertheless, the ending is intriguing, kind of makes me wanna read the next book, but we'll see.

Photo of arwen
4 stars
May 5, 2024


Photo of Hanna Rybchynska
Hanna Rybchynska@hannarbc
4 stars
May 3, 2024

Wow! This was really fun! I would like to re-read it!

Photo of mahek
mahek @mahekf
3 stars
Apr 15, 2024

Honestly, this book was kind of hard to get through towards the end. I had a lot of hope for it because it seemed like that kind of book that completely flipped everything over in the very end and bumps up the rating, but no. Usually, for a good cliffhanger ending I IMMEDIATELY borrow the next one in the series to read at least the first chapter. But this one; when it ended I just felt slightly disappointed. Probably bc this book has a LOT of (undeserved) hype on TikTok.

There were so many windy paragraphs on magic and control or whatever, that at one point I legitimitely had no idea what they were saying. I get rereading paragraphs, (I find this happen on a lot of Dark Academic books, but so far those have actually been worth it) but this one is just. They don't stop yapping. Just shut up and move the story along, will you. It honestly gets a little unstructured at times.

Though one thing I enjoyed was the characters. They are arguably the only reason I kept reading. I absolutely loved Tristan's story.


The book felt a little pretentious. The plot was okay at best. Definitely overhyped on TikTok.

Photo of Megan
3 stars
Apr 15, 2024

The Atlas Six is full of messy ships, confusing magic, and all too many twists and turns. There were points in which I adored this book and its characters, and far more points where I found the descriptions to be long and the twists to be… kind of lame (for lack of a better word). Don’t get me wrong, I fell in love with these characters and their messy lives, and I will continue to read the series to find out where they go. However, the plot of this book felt weird and rushed, with huge plot points occurring in long-drawn out thought dumps. I wish this book had shown me more, instead of telling me nearly everything. On top of that, it felt unsatisfying as a start to a series. It left me wanting more, but with absolutely no finality. Because I love the 6 main characters so much, this gets three stars from me. Read my full review here:

Photo of Megan
2 stars
Apr 15, 2024

Just couldn't get through it. Boring and slow.

Photo of envee
3 stars
Apr 14, 2024

didn't really vibe with it. probably have to re-read sometime

Photo of Maria
4 stars
Apr 2, 2024

i have to run out so i will probably come back and add to this when i’ve processed more but in short i enjoyed it so much goddamn it! i kind of felt like the story was dwindling towards the end and then the last 40 pages or so happened. what was that ending?? so here are some of my thoughts on the story: - while the overarching plot was somewhat predictable (up to a point) the way this story is built & the way character POVs are utilised makes you keep going. there was something entrancing about it to the point that i could not stop. and this is often a shortfall of POV chapter books, there’s always one or more characters i do not care for and whose chapters i would rather skip. i did not have this here, even when i might not have been as interested in a particular character i think the story was so well-built in tandem with the POVs that it did not bore. i don’t know if that makes sense, but in essence i think the povs were well-utilized here. this has, of course, to do with how developed the characters were and how distinct their voices were. - one thing that has bothered me till the end is the worldbuilding itself. in essence i get it, but i also don’t? i still don’t understand what the exact difference between medeians and witches is (i get one is above the other but on a fundamental level? maybe i need to reread the first chapters..). at some point its suddenly mentioned that parisa wills the door to close? is that because of her power or can they all perform (basic??) magic like this? i just feel like maybe the fundamentals of the magic system could have been better explained, but maybe they will be in the next books. or maybe i didn’t pay enough attention, which brings me to my next point. - a lot of the philosophical discussions i kind of just read through but can’t say i grasped a lot of what was going on. this might be my own issue as im not a native english speaker, but i think it is actually tied with the hazy magic system, because i think if i had a better grasp of how their powers are supposed to work i might have understood better the smaller subplots and the stuff they were studying. overall, i loved this! i’m so mad i have to wait for the next one, but i hope it’ll answer all my questions (and there are many!). also, overall i wish we’d gotten more of callum, and i get why we didn’t, but all his chapters were just so intriguing.

Photo of Christine
2 stars
Apr 2, 2024

i july 2022: nevermind i am docking this down to 2* i suddenly remembered that i did not, in fact, like this nearly as much as i thought i did

Photo of Meg Ma. Guerrero
Meg Ma. Guerrero @megyu
4 stars
Apr 1, 2024

3.5 i guess i was really hoping this would just be one book so now i have to read the next lmao i dont like callum im sorry

Photo of praline
4 stars
Mar 27, 2024

i hate them. i hate all the characters, they vex me so much. what annoys me even more is that i can’t stop thinking about them?? all i know is, i need to know more.



Photo of Ivory Flores
Ivory Flores@ivoryf25

“If not for her, Nico might not have noticed most of the things he did, and probably vice versa. A uniquely upsetting curse, really, how little he knew how to exist when she wasn’t there.”

I’m really between him and Tristan for Libby.

Photo of Bia

Beware the man who faces you unarmed. If in his eyes you are not the target, then you can be sure you are the weapon

Page 5
Photo of praline

Unnecessary warmth, given the spring breeze outside, but the Society was nothing if not committed to aesthetics.

Page 300


Photo of praline

We are medeians because we will never have enough, Callum said hoarsely. "We aren't normal; we are gods born with pain built in. We are incendiary beings and we are flawed, except the weaknesses we pretend to have are not our true weaknesses at all. We are not soft, we do not suffer impairment or frailty—we imitate it.”

Page 271
Photo of praline

She had never been so lovely, so broken. She made devastation look like riches, like jewels.

Page 235

Callum is absolutely terrifying

Photo of praline

The world was filled with poets who thought a woman's love had unmade them.

Page 188
Photo of praline

“I am not good,” Dalton told her, rasping it into her mouth. “No one here is good. Knowledge is carnage. You can't have it without sacrifice.”

Page 153
Photo of praline

In Reina's mind, they were binary stars, trapped in each other's gravitational field and easily diminished without the other's opposing force. She wasn't at all surprised when she discovered one was right- handed (Nico) and the other left- (Libby).

Page 147

this prose is so good

Photo of praline

She had always had a bit of a look to her as if she might immediately report any wrongdoing, and the fact that she was currently dressed like a page from the spring catalogue for school prefects (square-neck cardigan, pleated skirt, ballet flats) certainly didn't help.

Page 88

lol libby’s really getting beat up rn

Photo of praline

Typical; faux-intellectualism would always be appealing to any girl who'd spent too much time in France. It was about as Parisian as bobs, sartorial minimalism, and cheese.

Page 75


Photo of ivy
ivy @ivydivy

“You make me so common,” he said.

“Do I?”

“Think how interesting I could be to someone else,” he suggested. “A homicidal academic.”

Photo of ivy
ivy @ivydivy

“Have I seduced you, then?”

“I think conventionally you have.”

“And unconventionally?”

Her hair slipped over one shoulder, catching his eye.

“You torment me a bit,” He said.

“Because you think I might not want you?”

“Because I think you might,” he said, “and that would be disastrous. Calamitous even.”

I think about these two every day, you don’t understand.

Photo of Lily

Really, there was nothing more dangerous than a woman who knew her own worth. - Parisa

Page 47
Photo of Jed

"The day you are not a fire," he said, "is the day the earth will fall still for me."

Photo of sage g
sage g@faeriegrl

you don’t have to be sorry for existing, you know


Photo of Jed

The truth is I don't want to hurt you. This, what I'm doing to you, I would never have done it if not to save you. To save us.

callum nova oh my god do you know how insane i am why would you say that to him

Photo of Paula

"... they were binary stars, trapped in each other's gravitational field and easily diminished without the other's opposing force."

Page 147
Photo of Lucille

"The compulsion to be unique, which is at war with the desire to belong to a single identifiable sameness."

Page 191
Photo of Lucille

Poor little magic girl. So much power, so few friends.

Page 134
Photo of Lucille

"You don't have to be sorry for existing, you know,"

Page 127
Photo of Emily McMeans
Emily McMeans@emilymcmeans

“Men, conceptually, are canceled," Libby said to her knees from where she was perched on the chair beside Nico's desk, torso folded inward. "This Society? Founded by men, I guarantee it. Kill someone for initiation? A man's idea. Totally male. She pursed her lips. "Theoretically, men are a disaster. As a concept, I unequivocally reject them."

Page 313
Photo of Lieke Nieuwlaat
Lieke Nieuwlaat @lieke_nieuwlaat

"Everyone's perception is flawed. They have standards drilled into them by cultural propaganda. Nothing anyone sees is real-only how they perceive it."

Page 214
Photo of Lieke Nieuwlaat
Lieke Nieuwlaat @lieke_nieuwlaat

No one here is good. Knowledge is carnage. You cant have it without sacrifice.

Page 204
Photo of Lieke Nieuwlaat
Lieke Nieuwlaat @lieke_nieuwlaat


Beware the man who faces you unarmed. If in his eyes you are not the target, then you can be sure you are the weapon.

Page 5
This highlight contains a spoiler