The Bat
36 MILLION BOOKS SOLD WORLDWIDE HARRY IS OUT OF HIS DEPTH. Detective Harry Hole is meant to keep out of trouble. A young Norwegian girl taking a gap year in Sydney has been murdered, and Harry has been sent to Australia to assist in any way he can. HE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO GET TOO INVOLVED. When the team unearths a string of unsolved murders and disappearances, nothing will stop Harry from finding out the truth. The hunt for a serial killer is on, but the murderer will talk only to Harry. HE MIGHT JUST BE THE NEXT VICTIM.

Sonia Grgas@sg911911
I had to wait until the book was released in the US since I wanted to start with the first in series. So glad I did: highly recommended if you like mysteries.

Aysenur O.@okuryazarcizer
Jo Nesbo kitaplarini her dile cevrilmis olarak goruyorum ve diyorum ki vay canina ne cok okunuyor olmali ama asla okumuyorum falan. Iste karantina surecinde ingiltere’de the cave adli bir kafenin disinda gorunce dayanamayip aldigim bir kitap oldu (belki bedava olmasa hala almazdim) ve cok pisman oldum daha once okumadigima cunku tarzi ve turu ile tam da hoslandigim kitaplar arasindaydi. Harry Hole sahane bir dedektif ve seri ile tanismak izin guzel bir kitap oldugunu dusunuyorum. Cok surukleyici ve surprizliydi. Okuyun, okutun.

Agata Tereszkiewicz @agata1
*Cant decide betwee 2.5 or 3 stars*

Andrew Ireland@aireland92

Annie Stokkan Brose@anniestokkan

Aubrey Hicks@aubreyhi

Kayleigh Tomlyns@kaylst

Michael W@mrwool

David Ruppel@drupps

Fellowes Cynthia@cynstarlight

Jeff Brown @jeffb23

Alisha Julia@oddeyedsense
