
A Joker-ized version of a broken Batman from the Dark Multiverse that is a combination of the best and worst of both Batman and the Joker is a terrifying thought. In The Batman Who Laughs he is able to escape into the regular universe to create havoc. Synder continues to go to horror roots to create a riveting Batman story about evil multiverses Batmen and how they attempt to destroy regular old Gotham and their moral and upright Dark Knight. Drawing upon all of his work, from The Black Mirror to The Court of Owls to Dark Nights: Metal, he creates one of the most terrifying stories that pushes Batman on the verge of insanity looking for solutions to the impending end that is promised in this war where only one Batman comes out alive. This isn’t about revenge or about proving a point. This is a battle about winning or losing against one another. And it's about what makes Batman, Batman. What is The Batman Who Laughs about? Following the events of Dark Nights: Metal, the dark multiverse is introduced to the DC Universe and paved the way for dark versions of Batman to reign havoc. Among these alternate evil creatures born from the fears of people is the Batman Who Laughs from Earth-22 who succumbed to the Joker’s toxin and lost his sanity. By far the most chilling version of Batman, he’s now enacting a sinister plan across the Multiverse and has Bruce Wayne right at the heart of it. Although the future now lies in Batman’s hands as he’s forced into contemplating breaking the one rule he’d never break, the Batman Who Laughs brings into play another Batman whose mere presence crushes all hopes of life: the Grim Knight. Facing these deadly threats, Batman now has to play a very perilous game and seek help in the dark corners of Gotham if he wants to win this war. Gordon and his son attempt to help Batman as well as Alfred but can they together help Batman face the ultimate evil version of himself and save Gotham in the process? The story is dense but man, is it terrifying and riveting. It might not make complete sense but I thought this was one of the stronger Batmen stories I've ever read and would love to see a film version of this.