
The Body in the Library is an entertaining and easy to read book. Near the end the book rushes to finish as Miss Marple starts jumping to conclusions without sharing most of her insights until the coda chapter. But it's still a fun read.


Amo demais o jeito que a Miss Marple desvenda os crimes: tudo através de fofoca e de manter um olho no peixe e outro no gato. Maravilhosa!! Suspeitei desde o início da pessoa que matou mas não pelo motivo certo. Mas acho que vale. A única coisa que não gostei da história foram os 3 ou 4 detetives investigando ao mesmo tempo. Não conseguia diferenciar nenhum deles e só achei lenga lenga. Deixou tudo mais disperso. Muito boa a parte que eles falam lá com o filho da Sra. Jefferson que gosta de livros de detetives e fala que tem autógrafos de vários autores e cita a própria Agatha Christie. É a Stan Lee do UK mesmo. Em geral, gostei bastante! Uma história sobre controle.

menurutku terlalu banyak karakter, jadi bingung ngapalinnya :") terus ini gaya bahasanya beneran kek novel2 terjemahan, sebenarnya untuk cerita oke sih, seruu misterinya, tapi membingungkan buat aku hahahaa

I found this hard to get into but always love her endings. I had a bunch of guesses but none were right. There’s a show on her miss marple books on Brit box that’s really great and follows the book extremely well except for how the families accident happens, but it completely changed the ending! Made it a bit edgier but I still enjoyed it so if you liked the book check it out. I love seeing books brought to the screen when they’re done right. :)

A good Marple. Kind of weird ending.

4.5⭐️ I can’t believe I was right about who the killer was. Such a good read!

I really enjoy Agatha Christie's writing. I particularly enjoy Ms. Marple, whose shrewd mind is oft overlooked by detectives. While I must admit that Mrs. Bantry drives me a little up the wall as a character, the mystery in this one is a lot of fun and probably one of my favorites. Ms. Marple is actually absent for a good chunk, leaving it to the detectives to collect information from people that Ms. Marple has already guessed out due to smaller things she's observed about interactions and the natures of people - as is her mode of operation. All in all, despite Ms. Marple taking a second row seat for large parts of the story, I think the mystery of it is delightful. I would wholeheartedly recommend this to others.


3,25 How tf were we suppose to know they were married Im. Cheers

My first Miss Marple case/book. It reads half as a oddball British comedy and rest as an Agatha Christie Novel. I'd like to get to know Miss Marple better.

Eu quase não fiz resenha desse livro porque, bem, é Agatha Christie, ela não te deixa na mão de forma alguma, mas trouxe para vocês saberem que essa é das boas.

Really liked her revisitation of "The body in the library" theme. Such a good plot, I didn't found out who the murder was until the end. I've enjoyed the attention in details of Miss Marple, as always.

A witty and compelling mystery. This was the first time I have read an Agatha Christie and I enjoyed watching the story play out and the cast of characters included. For me there was no wow factor, just an easy and enjoyable read

This is the first ever Agatha Christie book that I've read. Agatha has been crowned as the "Queen of Mystery" and I have to say that she has lived up to her expectations and so much more! This book was real page-turner and plot twists really catch you by surprise.

Entertaining and classic, amusing but also a bit confusing sometimes. Great ending, but missing Miss Marple sometimes, as it is mainly police investigating in the beginning. Still, it's our good old lady sleuth who solves another case with excellence and intuition.

This might be my second Agatha Christie book ever. I read it ages ago and right after Murder on the Orient Express but I remember not enjoying it at all. But looking back, I was young and rather new to the genre, and I had just finished one of the best books by this author. I was expecting Miss Marple to be as invested in the resolution of the mystery as Poirot is, so I was so confused by how little she appears compared to the police detectives. But this time around I loved it so much!! It was SO much better than I remembered and I ended up enjoying this massively. The mystery is so convoluted and intriguing, and the solution was great! I think I didn't manage to figure it out, I guessed only a couple of things but I really couldn't tell who it was. So brilliant.

3.5 stars. The ending was all over the place in my opinion, there was no reason for two murders. It was all too unnecessarily complicated.

This is my third read from Miss Marple series. It's quite hard to write a long review of Agatha Christie's books because I feel like I'll just repeat myself for saying how beautiful her works are. The characters are fascinating, the plot twists are brilliant and the writing style is incredibly amazing. I adore Miss Marples' unique way of "investigating" and for being exceptionally clever. As usual, I didn't guess who the real suspect is. I told myself to stop guessing but I can't help it. I also love how Christie decribes the library in this book.

This is the year of audiobooks. It's a very good Miss Marple installment. I had only read The Murder at the Vicerage before, and found it rather dull and repetitive. This might be changed because of the change in delivety, but I liked The Body in the Library a lot more. The murder plot was insteresting, and had some twist that wasn't one of those silly, predictable ones you see today. Like most cozy mysteries, the character growth is negligible, and Agatha seems to rely on knowing Miss Marple's history rather than delve into it very much, in fact it felt like she was hardly in the book at times, because I heard so much of other characters chattering or exploring. A book I did not want to stop listening to at any rate.

This is a fairly old book, I read it for the Popsugar challenge “a book set in a bookstore or library” and therefore I had no expectations. I’ve never read anything about Agatha Christie and I do not think I will read anything else about the author. I found this story a bit too simple. I have a question: isn’t the series titled Miss Marple? Because I met her only twice and I’m on page 47…. I thought she was going to be more present… Maybe in the other books she is more present but not in this one and I’m sad about it. Full review: https://eiencafe.com/the-body-in-the-...

It was such a pleasure to read this book. I found myself laughing out loud often as I read. I find Miss Jane Marple to be a very likable character. I remember reading a few Miss Marple books when I was in high school and enjoying them. Miss Marple is a very observant woman who has often is able to figure out who the murderer is by drawing parallels between the characters involved and the people she knows from her little village. She's always underestimated and she always comes through. Unlike with a lot of Christie's other novels, I was able to guess the solution, but that didn't take away from my enjoyment of the novel. The plot is engaging, the writing is humorous, and the characters are well developed.

*3.5 Not what I've come to expect from Agatha Christie's mysteries. For this being a Miss Marple Mystery, she barely showed up. The mystery itself was still enjoyable and it was fun trying to solve it alongside the characters.

My first Miss Marple. Not bad, in fact I didn't even come close to guessing the murderer. Damn. 3 Stars and a C.

Out of the dim green light Mary’s voice came—breathless, hysterical: “Oh, ma’am, oh, ma’am, there’s a body in the library.”
I'm reading this one with my mom too!

'Bottled, was he?' said Colonel Bantry, with an Englishman's sympathy for alcoholic excess. 'Oh, well, can't judge a fellow by what he does when he's drunk. When I was at Cambridge, I remember I put a certain utensil — well, well, never mind. Deuce of a row there was about it.'
Christie had an amazing way of creating her characters with a (culture reflective kind of) humour.