The Book on the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are

The book was confusing. Very deep and convoluted with a potentially strong message, but I did not get it. I believe it was not the right time for me to read this book.

If you feel like jumping into a philosophical trip in the hopes of understanding who you are, what are you, how did you come here, why are you here and where could you be going, then this is an interesting book for you.

Very interesting read. I am a fan of Alan Watts for quite some time now, but this was the first book that I actually read. And it is amazing what he was thinking about in the 60's. Lot of philosophical notes and food for thought. I think that soon I will try to expand my reviews and publish some more thoughts too. [reading time: 5h44m]


the would-be angels should realize that, as their ambition succeeds, they evoke hordes of devils to keep the balance.

science overcame its purely atomistic and mechanical view of the world through more science,

barge in like Santa Claus

Yet it is as true, or false, to say that the brain “feeds itself” through the stomach as that the stomach “evolves” a brain at its upper entrance to get more food.

The point, which can hardly be repeated too often, is that differentiation is not separation.

No amount of preaching and moralizing will tame the type of man so defined, for the hypnotic hallucination of himself as something separate from the world renders him incapable of seeing that life is a system of geological and biological cooperation.

If the human race develops an electronic nervous system, outside the bodies of individual people, thus giving us all one mind and one global body, this is almost precisely what has happened in the organization of cells which compose our own bodies. We have already done it.

Real travel requires a maximum of unscheduled wandering, for there is no other way of discovering surprises and marvels, which, as I see it, is the only good reason for not staying at home.

All things are known by their differences from and likenesses to each other

Self-knowledge leads to wonder, and wonder to curiosity and investigation, so that nothing interests people more than people, even if only one’s own person.